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799 results for quality assurance
799 results for quality assurance

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Dutch exporters facing more trade regulations

Since establishment of the WTO in 1995, import tariffs have declined around the world. Exporters nevertheless have to comply with more and more regulations.


Innovating statistics with data challenges

The end of last year saw the second edition of the Big Data Meets Survey Science conference online: the BigSurv20.


The Dutch agricultural sector from an international perspective, 2021

This publication outlines the latest developments in Dutch international trade in agricultural goods, covering both imports and exports and including initial estimates of trade figures over the year...


Agricultural exports hit record level

Agricultural exports amounted to an estimated 94.5 billion euros in 2019. This is 4.6 percent more than in 2018 and the highest level on record.


Internationalisation Monitor 2019, fourth quarter

This Internationalisation Monitor focuses on export prices, export quality, trade instruments such as import tariffs, NTMs, trade agreements and companies’ choices with respect to their...


Analysis of harbour porpoise data and evaluation of North Sea monitoring

Analysis of various harbour porpoise data for the period 1991/1992-2017/2018 to evaluate the monitoring in the North Sea.


SEEA-EEA biodiversity account 2006-2013

This report present the experimental biodiversity account for the Netherlands (2006-2013), which is one of the thematic accounts of the SEEA-EEA ecosystem account.


How can we make our algorithms as fair as possible?

How can we make the algorithms used by the government as fair as possible, and what role could proper archiving play in that process?


SEEA ecosystem condition account for the Netherlands

The condition account provides information on ecosystem quality and pressures following the UN SEEA EEA guidelines (system of environmental-economic accounting – experimental ecosystem accounting).


Privacy Proof Certificate for CBS

This certificate confirms that all company and personal data held by CBS are demonstrably well protected.


Trends biodiversity benthos Voordelta, 2004-2018

Trends in biodiversity of benthic animals in the Voordelta in 2004-2018 using Multi-Species Indicators (MSI).


Museum Register

Register of museums that meet the basic quality criteria. Its aim is to show, safeguard and improve the quality of the Dutch museums and preservation of the cultural heritage.


Pilot Study: Mobile Phone Meta Data Records – Introduction to the research method

Mobile Phone Meta-Data, mobile phone data, method, processing method, privacy, statistical disclosure control


One-quarter of population notice drug-related issues in own neighbourhood

In 2019, nearly one-quarter (24.3 percent) of the Dutch population aged 15 years and over reported the incidence of drug use or trafficking in their own neighbourhood.


A greening economy, but not in all areas

The Dutch economy is growing increasingly green. Companies are implementing cleaner production processes and are using relatively fewer raw materials.


CBS constantly looking for new data sources

In order to carry out its statutory task, CBS is constantly looking for new data sources


Better insight in the economy through more frequent revisions

Measuring the economy is one of the core tasks of Statistics Netherlands. This is done according to an agreed set of international guidelines and methods, assuring that the figures of the various...


Nowcasting using linear time series filters

Nowcasting using linear time series filters


Well-being high in 2019, but more pressure on environment

Although well-being in the Netherlands increased in 2019, not everybody benefited from this equally. Well-being is under pressure in a number of areas: time lost through traffic congestion, less...


To make the right choice, you need independent data

Simply understanding the economy is no longer enough to gain insights into society. Social and cultural insights and information about citizens


Agricultural export value over 90 bn euros in 2018

Agricultural exports in 2018 were worth an estimated 90.3 billion euros, i.e. 0.2 percent up on 2017. While exports rose, prices dropped relative to 2017.


Care expenditure 5.2 percent up in 2019

In 2019, expenditure on care and welfare, including child care, amounted to 106.2 billion euros.


Relatively high prosperity, but at a cost

The Sustainability Monitor 2017 was presented to the Dutch House of Representatives on 17 May.


Value of forest, heath and built-up areas mapped out

the quality of these ecosystems as well as their contribution to the economy and society
