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641 results for keyword:turnover
641 results for keyword:turnover

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Modest growth retail turnover

According to the most recent figures, retail sales in the first quarter of 2011 were 1.7 percent up on the same period last year. Turnover growth is entirely due to price increases.


Marginal growth retail turnover

Retail turnover was more than 1 percent higher in March 2011 than in March 2010. The growth is entirely caused by price rises; prices were 2 percent up on twelve months previously. The volume of...


Providers of business services still optimistic

The number of business services providers anticipating turnover growth in the next three months outnumbered those anticipating a decrease by 23 percent in April, versus 41 percent in March. Temp...


Retail turnover 3 percent higher

Retail turnover was 3 percent higher in February 2011 than in February 2010. Retail prices were more than 2 percent up. Petrol stations largely accounted for turnover growth.


Retail turnover slightly up

Dutch retailers generated an almost 1 percent higher turnover in January this year than twelve months previously.


Marginal recovery turnover courier service companies

Turnover of courier service companies was more than 2 percent higher in the fourth quarter of 2010 than in the fourth quarter of 2009. This is the first turnover growth since the global recession set...


Providers of business services optimistic about turnover

The number of business services providers anticipating turnover growth in the next three months outnumbered those anticipating a decrease by 41 percent in March, versus 31 percent in February. Temp...


More cars sold in 2010

Car and motorcycle sales were nearly 9 percent higher in 2010 than in 2009. With more than 19 percent, importers of new passenger cars realised the largest turnover growth.


Retail turnover slightly up

Dutch retailers generated 1.5 percent more turnover in January this year than twelve months previously. Retail prices were 2 percent up. Petrol stations largely accounted for both the increase in...


Modest rise in retail turnover

Retail turnover was 1.5 percent higher in January 2011 than in the same month last year. Prices were 2.0 percent higher, while the volume of retail sales fell by 0.4 percent.


No recovery for construction sector in 2010

While the Dutch economy is picking up, the construction sector is still performing badly. With 9 versus more than 4 percent, turnover in the construction sector slumped even more in 2010 than in 2009.


Turnover growth hotels and restaurants for the first time in more than three years

In the fourth quarter of 2010, turnover in the sector hotels and restaurants showed a 3.7 percent increase on one year previously. Higher prices account for half of the turnover growth, the other...


Providers of business services more positive

In February, the number of business services providers anticipating turnover growth in the next three months outnumbered those anticipating a decrease by 31 percent, i.e. 13 points above the level in...


No recovery retail sales

In the fourth quarter of this year, retail sales were 1.0 percent higher than in the same period in 2009. Retail prices were 1.5 percent higher than last year.


Manufacturing turnover 15 percent higher

Manufacturers realised a 15 percent turnover increase in December 2010 compared to the same month in 2009. This growth rate is marginally down on November, when turnover increased by 16 percent.


Providers of business services slightly more positive

In January, the number of business services providers anticipating turnover growth in the next three months outnumbered those anticipating a decrease by 18 percent, i.e. 4 points above the level in...


Considerable growth Dutch retail sales

In November 2010, retail turnover grew 4.3 percent relative to the same period in the previous year, mainly due to a 3.0 percent volume growth. Retail prices rose by 1.3 percent.


Manufacturing turnover growing by 16 percent

Manufacturers realised an 16 percent turnover increase in November 2010 compared to the same month in 2009. This growth rate is much higher than in October, when turnover increased by 11 percent.


Retail turnover marginally down

Dutch retailers generated almost 2 percent less turnover in October than one year previously.


Retail turnover marginally down

Dutch retailers faced 1.7 percent turnover loss in October 2010 from October 2009. Retail prices were 1.3 percent higher, volume shrank by 3.0 percent.


Retail turnover marginally down

Dutch retailers generated almost 2 percent less turnover in October than one year previously.
