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430 results for Rotterdam
430 results for Rotterdam

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One in twelve welfare claimants found a job in 2009

Over 297 thousand individuals aged under 64 claimed welfare benefits at the end of 2008. One in twelve of them found a job in 2009.


Housing associations own one in three Dutch homes

Housing associations own 2.3 million homes in the Netherlands. This is the equivalent of one in three homes.


Nearly one in ten live-born babies born to single mothers

Nearly one in every ten live-born babies were born to single mothers last year. Nine in ten were born to couples living together.


Further increase social security benefits

The number of social security benefits paid to under-65s has increased for the second consecutive quarter.


Overnight accommodation; capacity per region and type '00-'11

Overnight accommodation; capacity per region and type of accommodation


Prices owner-occupied dwellings in Amsterdam up in second quarter 2010

In the second quarter of 2010, prices of existing owner-occupied dwellings in the municipality of Amsterdam were 0.7 percent higher than in the same period in 2008.


One third of homes with an energy label can use a lot less energy

One in three of the nearly one million homes in the Netherlands with an energy label fall in energy category E, F or G. This means that they have a relatively high energy use and many measures can be...


No further decline in registered crime

Last year, 1.2 million crimes were registered by the police, about the same amount as in 2006.


Economic growth down in nearly all regions

Economic growth slowed down in nearly all Dutch provinces last year. Growth in the Randstad provinces was at or above the nationwide average of 2 percent.


Rising trend in homelessness appears to have come to an end

Early 2013, more than 25 thousand people in the Netherlands were homeless; 39 percent of homeless are living in Amsterdam, Utrecht, The Hague and Rotterdam. One in five homeless are women. Homeless...


Festive launch ODISSEI open data platform

An open data platform for humanities and social sciences, ODISSEI, was launched on 27 October.


Crime rate marginally down

The proportion of Dutch aged 15 years and older who report to have beenvictims of common crimes like vandalism, violence and property offences hasbeen reduced marginally last year to just over 25...


Parking fee revenues estimated at 660 million euros in 2014

Municipal authorities expect to receive 660 million euros in parking fees this year, i.e. 15 million euros more than in 2013 and 94 million euros more than in 2010.


Statistics Netherlands and University of Amsterdam establish chair in cause of death registration

Prof. dr. J.W.P.F. (Jan) Kardaun has been appointed professor by special appointment in the registration and statistics of causes of death at the University of Amsterdam.


Euthanasia carried out in nearly 3 percent of cases

Nearly six in every ten deaths in 2010 involved medical end-of-life decisions. In 2.8 percent of cases, euthanasia was carried out.


Many strikers engaged in short actions in 2011

There were 17 strikes in the Netherlands last year. As a result, 22 thousand working days were lost. In just over half of cases, the actions were only short and relatively few working days were lost...


Dutch car fleet to break 8 million barrier

On 1 January this year, 7.9 million passenger cars were registered in the Netherlands, versus more than 5 million twenty-five years ago.  The bulk, 7.1 million cars, are privately owned. The car...


CBS Urban Data Centre Eindhoven bearing fruit

The results of the cluster analysis will help Eindhoven municipality formulate more targeted policies for the different target groups


Municipal cuts on arts and culture

This year’s municipal spending on arts and culture is anticipated to total nearly 1.7 billion euros, 3.7 percent down from 2012. The per capita amount is reduced from 103 to 98 euros.


No increase share renewable energy in 2013

Last year, 4.5 percent of total Dutch energy consumption was generated by means of renewable energy sources, i.e. the same as in 2012.
