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3086 results for foreign employees
3086 results for foreign employees

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Manufacturing output nearly 4 percent up in August

The average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was almost 4 percent up.


Manufacturing prices continue to fall

Output prices of products manufactured in the Netherlands were 5.8 percent down in July 2016 from July 2015.


The Netherlands largest importer of insects in the EU

The Netherlands is the largest importer of live insects in the EU with an import value of 8.2 million euros.


Manufacturing prices continue to fall

Manufacturing prices continue to fall


Price drop manufacturing output again more substantial

Output prices of products manufactured in the Netherlands were down by 8.1 percent in April 2016.


Declining growth manufacturing output

Declining growth manufacturing output


Sustained turnover growth for sector hotels and restaurants

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports today that hotels, restaurants, snack bars and pubs saw turnover rise by 1.3 percent in the third quarter of 2015 compared to the second quarter. Turnover results...


Employment up in July, except youth employment

There were 348 thousand unemployed in July, equivalent to 3.8 percent of the labour force. The number of unemployed fell by an average of 2 thousand per month in May, June and July. UWV recorded 279...


Year-on-year selling prices manufacturing industry further down

In February 2015, selling prices of products manufactured in the Netherlands were 8.8 percent down from February 2014. In January 2015, prices were 10.6 percent down from twelve months previously.


Modest turnover growth in the hotel and restaurant sector in the first quarter of 2015

In the first quarter of 2015 the turnover of hotels and restaurants, fast food and cafeterias and bars and pubs was up 0.3 percent on the previous quarter. The volume, that is food and drinks and...


Manufacturing output marginally higher than in November last year

The average daily output generated by Dutch manufacturing industry was 0.6 percent higher in November 2014 than in November 2013.


More internet fraud, less skimming

The number of victims of online shopping fraud has risen last year relative to 2012. The number of bank, cash and credit card skimming crimes declined. Few victims of this type of criminal offence...


Manufacturing output up again in August

According to Statistics Netherlands, the average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was 1.4 percent up in August 2014 from August 2013. The electrical products and machinery...


18 thousand Dutch Caribbeans

Since 10 October 2010, the Caribbean islands of Bonaire, Saba and Saint Eustatius have officially acquired the status of Dutch municipalities. As a result, 18 thousand new citizens were added to the...


One in ten large companies relocate activities abroad

Ten percent of large companies in the Netherlands moved business activities to another country in the period 2009-2011. Lower wage costs were an important factor in this respect


Population growth rate continues to slow down

The population in the Netherlands has grown less rapidly over the past six months than in the same period last year.


Exports grow 0.7 percent in March

The volume of exports of goods was 0.7 percent up in March 2014 from March 2013. In February, exports growth was 1.3 percent. Due to the relatively mild weather conditions in the first months of...


Early drop out warning signals already show in the first year of secondary school

The first signs that students are at a higher risk of dropping out of school are already visible in the first year of secondary school. This is one of the conclusions of the PhD thesis “Early...


Most raw materials imported from Europe

The Netherlands obtains 68 percent of its raw materials from elsewhere. Two thirds of the raw materials come from European countries.
