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2762 results for European law
2762 results for European law

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Wholesale trade; employment and finance per sector, SIC 2008, 2009-2013

Wholesale trade; jobs, labour volume, costs and revenues, results Wholesale of food, consumer goods, ICT-equipment and machinery


Labour and leisure time

Latest figures on distribution of well-being ‘here and now’. How is well-being distributed in terms of labour and leisure time? The kind of work people do often determines their quality of life....


Environm. goods and services sector; activities, ec. indicators, 2001-2012

Environmental activities and economic indicators per environmental domain such as protection of water, air and management of natural resources.


Environmental goods and services sector; activities, 1995 - 2011

Environmental activities and economic indicators per environmental domain such as protection of water, air and management of natural resources.


Temporary employment agencies; turnover, index 2010=100, 2005-2017

Temporary employment agencies. Turnover and hours worked: index 2010 = 100, change. By activity (SIC 2008).


SDG 10.2 Financial sustainability

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 10 Reduced inequalities: financial sustainability. SDG 10.2 aims to reduce inequality. The Dutch population and government incur debts and build up...


Structure national net lending/borrowing; NA, 1995-2016

Structure of national net lending/borrowing Annual data


Retail trade; employment and finance per sector, SIC 2008, 2009-2013

Retail trade; jobs, labour volume, costs and revenues, financial results Supermarkets, petrol stations, shops selling clothing and furnature


Terms of trade in goods, index 2010=100; 1990-2014

Terms of trade, import prices and export prices of goods Indexfigures, base year 2010 = 100 and changes


SDG 2 Zero hunger

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2 Zero hunger. SDG 2 aims to end hunger across the world, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture.


Transport, storage and communications; finance, SIC 2008, 2009-2013

Transport; jobs, labour volume, costs and revenues, financial results Land, water and air transport, warehousing and services for transport


Environmental Goods and Services Sector; NACE 1995-2010

Environmental sector to economic industry and per environmental domain such as protection of water, air and management of natural resources.


Compensation of employees, employment; quarterly, NA, 1995-2018

Compensation of employees, wages, jobs (by sex) , fte, hours worked quarterly, economic activity


Construction industry; employment and finance, SIC'93, 2006 - 2008

Persons employed, costs and revenues, turnover and other financial result Branches (SIC'93) construction industry


Environmental goods and services sector; activities, 1995-2010

Environmental activities and economic indicators per environmental domain such as protection of water, air and management of natural resources.


Monitor of Well-being and the Sustainable Development Goals 2023

Summary of the Monitor of Well-being and the SDGs 2023 with an overview of trends, the position of the Netherlands in the EU27 and the most recent developments in well-being ‘here and now’, ‘later’...


GDP, production and expenditures; output and income by activity 1969 - 2012

Output, intermediate consumption, value added and income components by economic activity


SDG 10.2 Financial sustainability

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 10 Reduced inequalities: financial sustainability. SDG 10.2 aims to reduce inequality. The Dutch population and government incur debts and build up...


SDG 2 Zero hunger

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2 Zero hunger. SDG 2 aims to end hunger across the world, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture.


Institutional investors; short-term and long-term investments 1950-2016

Investments by type of investment. Pension funds, insurance corporations and investment funds.


Retail trade; turnover change, index 2010=100, 2005 - January 2018

Retail trade. Turnover: index 2010 = 100, change. By activity (SIC 2008).


Financial corporations; balance sheet 1998 - 2012

Financial corporations; balance sheet, Assets; liabilities; financial corporations.


Producer Prices (2000 = 100) by ProdCom

Price index numbers including and excluding excise according to product nomenclature Prodcom


National accounts 2009; Macroeconomic data

Gross domestic product, national income, volume change Specification of the most important macroeconomic data


Overnight accommodation; capacity, nights by country of residence '77-'10

Overnight accommodation; capacity and nights spend by country of residence
