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3086 results for foreign employees
3086 results for foreign employees

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Business confidence

Short survey description business confidence


Again higher turnover in the Dutch manufacturing industry

In February the turnover of the Dutch manufacturing industry was again higher than a year before. Compared to February 2004 turnover was up by 6 percent. The turnover increase is virtually the same...


Average households incomes, 1990-2000

Number of households and average annual income by household characteristics and income level


Bram - Configuration Manager

About Bram - Configuration Manager


How to protect privacy in open data

More and more government data is presented online as open data.


Exports nearly back at level of twelve months previously

The volume of goods exports was 2 percent smaller in November 2009 than twelve months previously. In October, the decrease was 6 percent. The reason the decrease was smaller in November is that the...


Tourist spending down slightly

Together, Dutch and foreign tourists spent 36.9 billion euro in the Netherlands in 2008, 2.8 percent more than in 2007. However, if price developments are taken into account, this results in a fall...


Profitability non-financial companies further down

In the first quarter of 2009, net profits of non-financial companies amounted to 22.7 billion euro, i.e. 10.6 billion euro down on the first quarter of 2008. For the fifth quarter...


Prosperity increased in last decades

The disposable income of Dutch households was 33.2 thousand euro on average in 2010.


370 thousand workers living on incomes below the poverty line

Despite having paid jobs, 370 thousand households in the Netherlands were living below the poverty line in 2009.


Unemployment almost unchanged

According to the latest figures 456 thousand people in the Netherlands were registered as unemployed (5.8 percent of the labour force) in December last year, as many as in November.


Growing optimism in manufacturing and commercial services

Producer confidence in the manufacturing industry has risen strongly in October, to 4.3, its highest level since January 2001.


Increase in unemployment benefits slows down, decrease in labour disablement benefits

In the first quarter of 2004 the number of unemployments benefits (WW) grew again and totalled 311 thousand at the end of March but the growth rate is slowing down. The number of benefits paid under...


Fewer social security recipients find employment

At the end of 2011, 367 thousand people in the Netherlands received social security benefits. More than 28 thousand, i.e. less than 8 percent, found jobs in 2012.


Unemployment further up

According to the latest figures released by Statistics Netherlands, unemployment, adjusted for seasonal variation, grew by 8 housand in August 2011, reaching 421 thousand or 5.4 percent of the labour...


Dutch producer confidence improving

Dutch producer confidence improving


Job vacancies rise further

The number of job vacancies in the Netherlands rose further in the second quarter of 2004. After adjustment for seasonal effects there were 121 thousand vacancies at the end of June. This is 8...


Confidence among manufacturers improves further

Confidence among manufacturers improves further.


Manufacturing output up in June

The average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was 3.3 percent up in June 2017.
