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3615 results for General Inspectorate (AID)
3615 results for General Inspectorate (AID)

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Consistent Multivariate Seasonal Adjustment

Seasonally adjusted series of Gross Domestic Product (GDP)


One in 12 young people have poor mental health

In 2015/2017, 8 percent of the 12- to 25-year-olds had mental health issues. Older youth are more often mentally unhealthy. The overall health condition is poorer among mentally unhealthy youth, and...


Construction; value added, index 2015=100 and changes, 2005-April 2018

Volume changes in construction, compared to the same period of the previous year and volume index figures, 2015=100


highest export growth in four years

Statistics Netherlands announced today that the volume of exports of goods was 10.2 percent up in January 2015 from January 2014. This was the highest growth since 2011.


Turnover sector hotels and restaurants nearly 4 percent down

In the third quarter of this year, turnover generated in the sector hotels and restaurants was 3.9 percent down on the same period in 2008.


Smaller reduction in number of temp jobs

The Dutch number of hours worked in temp jobs dropped by more than 1 percent in the first quarter of 2010 compared to the fourth quarter of 2009.


Measuring the SDGs: an initial picture for the Netherlands

Report of the first findings on where the Netherlands stands in terms of the SDG indicators.


Consumer confidence improves further

Dutch consumer confidence improved marginally in February. The confidence index climbed 2 points to reach -10. The improvement was entirely due to an increase in consumers’ willingness-to-buy....


Turnover growth continues in sector hotels and restaurants

In the second quarter of 2007, the sector hotels and restaurants showed an overall turnover growth rate of nearly 7 percent relative to one year previously.


Zero growth for household consumption in September

Household spending on goods and services was at the same level in September 2012 as in September 2011. In the preceding 13 months, consumption decreased.


One in seven sports club members play tennis

In 2006, more than 0.7 million people were active in 1,840 tennis clubs. Since 2000, the number of tennis clubs has grown by 40. Membership hardly changed in this period.


Energy consumption households; energy commodities, 1975-2016

Energy consumption of hard coal, lignite, petroleum products, natural gas Gas/diesel oil, electricity, heat


Estimating survey questionnaire profiles for measurement error risk

Surveys differ in their topics, language, style and design, and, consequently, in their sensitivity to measurement error.


Modest growth for sector hotels and restaurants

In the second quarter of 2013, the sector hotels and restaurants realised a turnover growth of 0.6 percent relative to one year previously.


Higher turnover airline companies in 2012

Turnover generated by airline companies improved 8 percent last year to reach nearly 11 billion euros. The growing number of passengers and fuel prices passed on to consumers created a turnover boost.


Mood among Dutch consumers marginally improved

Dutch consumers were slightly less pessimistic in February. Their mood about the economic situation in general was less negative than in January, but willingness-to-buy deteriorated somewhat.


Growth manufacturing output slows down

The average daily output generated in Dutch manufacturing industry was nearly 1 percent higher in April 2011 than in April 2010. Production growth slowed down further. Year-on-year production growth...


Excise rise only now visible in cigarette prices

Although the excise on cigarettes went up in July 2008, smokers only started paying more in November.


Dutch head of national accounts appointed chair of CMFB

Peter van de Ven, head of national accounts at Statistics Netherlands will take over the chair of the CMFB (the European Committee on Monetary, Financial and Balance of Payments Statistics) from the...


Retail turnover marginally down

Dutch retailers generated almost 2 percent less turnover in October than one year previously.
