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12893 results for working for Statistics Netherlands
12893 results for working for Statistics Netherlands

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Nearly 150 thousand couples working with the same employer

On 14 February 2012, 296 thousand employees were working in the same company as their partners, so 148 thousand couples had the same employer, i.e. 4 percent of all employees in the Netherlands.


International trade in goods statistics

These figures provide an overview of the Netherlands’ goods trade with other countries. They are of great importance for determining gross domestic product (GDP).


Self-employed hardly worked less in 2009

Nearly 960 thousand people in the Netherlands were self-employed in 2009, of whom 630 thousand did not employ others. In spite f the economic crisis they hardly worked less last year.


Caribbean Netherlands, Bonaire: employed population; economic activity 2010

Employed population Bonaire by economic activity


Statistics International trade in goods by change of ownership and border crossing

Statistics International trade in goods by change of ownership and border crossing


Childcare no longer stands in the way of mothers who want to work

One in five mothers who do not work or who have a part-time job want to work for more hours a week. Their reason for not doing so is hardly ever a shortage of suitable childcare.


Men and full-timers most likely to work overtime

Just over one in three employees regularly work overtime. More men and full-time workers work overtime than women and part-time workers.


Business survey Netherlands; region; month

What is the study about Business survey Netherlands; region; month


More older people working

The labour participation of over-50s in the Netherlands has risen substantially in recent years. Among the over-65s, it has even doubled since 2001.


Average weekly working hours hardly changed in recent years

The employed labour force in the Netherlands comprised nearly 7.4 million people in 2010. On average, they worked 34.4 hours a week versus 36.7 hours in 1996.


Investments almost 1 percent up in March

The volume of investments in tangible fixed assets was almost 1 percent up in March relative to the same month last year.


Fewer participants in work reintegration schemes

The number of people taking part in work reintegration schemes in the Netherlands fell by nearly 28 thousand between 2010 and 2012. Fewer young people, in particular, were offered a place under a...


One in nine employed work less than twelve hours a week

In the second quarter of 2014, nearly 900 thousand people (11 percent of all persons employed in the Netherlands) were working less than twelve hours a week. Three-quarters do not wish or are unable...
