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3200 results for wedding day

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Retail turnover down again in second quarter

In the second quarter of 2005 turnover in Dutch retail trade was 2.4 percent down on the same period last year. For the ninth time in a row retail turnover was lower than in the previous quarter.


Sharp rise in retail turnover

Dutch retail turnover was 5.6 percent higher in November 2006 than in November 2005.


International trade up in April

In April 2005 imports and exports of goods were appreciably higher than one year previously. The value of exports was 23.0 billion euro, 12 percent higher than in April 2004.


Decline in exports somewhat larger

The volume of goods exports was 8 percent lower in August 2009 than twelve months previously. This is a slightly larger decrease than in July, but still much smaller than in the months before. The...



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Imports and exports down in January

In January 2004 the value of imported and exported goods was 3 percent down on January 2003. Exports were worth 19.0 billion euro, imports 16.8 billion euro. Furthermore, January 2004 had one working...


Foreign trade up again

International goods trade in the Netherlands was higher in November 2004 than twelve months previously. It was the ninth month in a row that both exports and imports were significantly higher than in...


Consumption slightly up in June

The volume of domestic consumption was 0.6 percent larger in June 2004 than in the same month last year. Spending on goods was about the same as twelve months previously, while spending on services...


Manufacturing output over 4 percent up in February

The average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was 4.2 percent up in February compared to the same month last year.


Most substantial export growth in 6.5 years

The volume of goods exports grew by 11 percent in June 2017 relative to June 2016.


Steady growth exports

The total volume of goods exports grew by 4.6 percent in September 2016 relative to September 2015


Higher investments, mainly in residential property

Higher investments, mainly in residential property


Growth investments slows down

Growth investments slows down


Considerable growth investments

The volume of investments in tangible fixed assets grew by 16.7 percent in February 2016 relative to February 2015.


Output manufacturing industry down

The average daily output generated by Dutch manufacturing industry was down by over 3 percent in February 2012 from February 2011.


Fewer businesses and institutions bankrupt

In March this year, 521 businesses and institutions (excluding one-man businesses) were declared bankrupt, i.e. nearly 100 down from February 2014. The number of bankruptcies was reduced by more than...


Manufacturing output more than 2 percent up

The average daily output generated by Dutch manufacturing industry was more than 2 percent higher in September 2011 than in September 2010. Production growth was marginally up on August.


Number of bankruptcies exceptionally high

In May, 796 businesses and institutions (excluding one-man businesses) were declared bankrupt. This is the highest number since the time series started, in 1981.
