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3358 results for nature value
3358 results for nature value

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National and international tourism booming

International tourism has grown by 4.8% worldwide following the 2008 economic crisis.


Economic situation again less favourable

According to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation in March is again slightly less favourable compared to the previous month.


Retail trade; employment and finance per sector, SIC'93, 2006 - 2008

Persons employed, costs and revenues, turnover and other financial result Branches (SIC'93) retail trade


Costs special schools 1.6 billion euro in 2010

The operating costs of special schools amounted to 1.6 billion euro in 2010, i.e. 9 percent of total expenses of institutions in primary and secondary education. Revenues minus expenses amounted to 7...


Netherlands increasingly tied in with global trade

The Dutch economy has become more and more interwoven with global trade in the last thirty years. This means that it has become more vulnerable to declining international demand.


Dutch use less water

Consumption of tap water in the Netherlands fell slightly between 2003 and 2006. Although the population increased, water consumption did not. Industrial tap water consumption fell by 2 percent less...


Disposable household income lower in 2010

The disposable household income in 2010 was lower than in 2009. After correction for inflation, the decline was 1.4 percent, but consumer spending was 0.4 percent higher.


Steady growth in exports

The total volume of goods exports grew by 6.5 percent in March 2017 relative to March 2016.


Environmental sector accounts for 109 thousand full-time jobs

In 2007, there were 109 thousand full-time jobs in the environmental sector, an increase by 25 percent relative to 1995.


Schools eat into their financial reserves

For the second year running, schools in primary and secondary education face a deficit. The 2011 deficit amounted to 171 million euros, versus 190 million euros one year previously.


Self-employed are wealthiest category

Self-employed households and over-65 couples were the wealthiest categories on 1 January 2009.


Higher government revenues reduce public deficit

Government revenues were nearly 7 bn euros higher in the first six months of 2016 than in the same period last year.


Consumer prices; rent increase for dwellings by region

Raise of rent by region, raise of rent in- and excluding rent harmonisation and rent harmonisation


Decline household consumption slows down

Dutch households spent 1.1 percent less on goods and services in October 2013 than in October 2012. The decline is less substantial than in preceding months. This is mainly due to higher car sales.


Household consumption further in decline

Household spending on goods and services was 2.1 percent down in March 2012 on March 2011. Consumer spending has been continuously in decline since the summer of 2011. The decrease in March was more...
