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3118 results for measuring economy
3118 results for measuring economy

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Emission factors by vehicle category and year of construction, 2008

Carbon monoxide, VOC, nitrogen oxides, particulates. Vehicle category, year of construction, road type.


Security costs 780 euros per person

Spending on crime prevention and fighting crime, corruption and harassment topped 13 billion euros in 2012. This comes to 780 euros per person. Spending on security has been about the same since 2009.


Marginal consumption growth

Dutch households spent 0,2 percent more on goods and services in November 2013 than in November 2012. This is the first increase in nearly two and a half years.


Most reintegration programmes for under-45s

At the end of 2011 nearly 230 thousand people in the Netherlands were in reintegration programmes provided by municipal government. This is more than 17 thousand fewer than twelve months previously.


Number of income support benefits continues to grow

According to the most recent figures 325 thousand income support benefits were granted to people under the age of 65 by the end of December last year, i.e. an increase by 9 thousand relative to one...


Employment falls further

The number of jobs of employees was 121 thousand (1.5 percent) lower in the first quarter of 2013 than in the same period one year previously. It is the fifth consecutive quarter that the number of...


Inflation1.8 percent in March

Inflation in the Netherlands was 1.8 percent in March 2005. This is 0.2 of a percent point higher than in February, when prices were 1.6 percent higher than twelve months previously. Fresh vegetables...


Inflation rate rises to 0.6 percent

Inflation rate rises to 0.6 percent


Inflation rate stable in March

On a year-on-year basis, the CPI inflation rate in the Netherlands was 0.6 percent in March.


Dutch inflation rate stable at 1 percent

Statistics Netherlands reports that Dutch inflation according to the consumer price index (CPI) was 1.0 percent in July, just as in June.


More turnover and more profit in Dutch health care institutions

The turnover of health care institutions increased greatly in 2009, as it had in 2008, despite the recession in the Netherlands. Profits also rose substantially.


Inflation rises to 1.4 percent in April

In April 2004 the rate of inflation was 1.4 percent, 0.3 of a percent point higher than in March. The increase follows a period of three years when inflation was almost continually falling. The April...


Inflation marginally up

The inflation rate over June 2014 was 0.9 percent, i.e. marginally higher than in May.


Average temperature

The average annual temperature in De Bilt rose by 1.7 °C in the period 1952-2017.


Spending on disablement assistance for young people up

Spending on disablement assistence for young people (Wajong) have been rising in recent years. In 2003 spending amounted to nearly 1.3 billion euro, while in 2008 this had increased to nearly 1.9...


Economic situation slightly less favourable

According to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation is slightly less favourable in January compared to December.


Spending up in European webshops

Online purchases by Dutch consumers in foreign EU webshops, big data research


Producer Prices (2000=100) by ProdCom

Price index information according to the (European) ProdCom nomenclature for commodities sold, imported, exported in the Netherlands


Strong link between education level and well-being

The broad well-being of higher educated is higher than of lower educated.


Inflation rate rises to 1.6 percent in April

The consumer price index (CPI) rose to 1.6 percent in April.


GDP growth rate remains 1.5 percent in Q2 2017

GDP showed a 1.5 percent growth in Q2 2017 relative to Q1 2017.


100 thousand adults with morbid obesity

One percent of the Dutch population aged 20 years or older are morbidly obese.
