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3615 results for General Inspectorate (AID)
3615 results for General Inspectorate (AID)

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Steady growth investments

The volume of investments in tangible fixed assets grew by 4.4 percent in May 2016 relative to the same month last year.


Consumer confidence further down

The mood among Dutch consumers deteriorated further in March.


Labour Accounts; employment, quarterly; 1995-q1 2014

Employed persons, jobs, hours worked, also with seasonal correction employee or self-employed, economic activity


Civil engineering works; input price index 2005 = 100, 2005-2013

Price indices on the basis of 2005=100 and changes compared to 1 year previously regarding several areas of work.


Construction industry; turnover development by company size, 2005 - 2012

Turnover indices and change Sector/branches (SIC 2008) and company size: small, mid size, large


Dutch economy grows by 1.9 percent in third quarter

The Dutch economy grew by 1.9 percent in the third quarter compared to the same period in 2009 versus 2.2 percent in the second quarter compared to last year’s second quarter.


Manufacturing output remains stable

The average daily output generated by Dutch manufacturing industry in April 2012 was approximately the same as in April 2011. In March, output was nearly 2 percent up from one year previously.


Retail turnover down

Retail sales were 1.5 percent down in November 2012 from November 2011


8.5 thousand Kosovars in the Netherlands

Just over 76 thousand first and second generation former Yugoslavs were living in the Netherlands on 1 January 2008. An estimated 11 percent of these, some 8.5 thousand, can be counted as Kosovars.


Index traffic density; on national and provincial roads, 2000-2011

Index of traffic density on national and provincial trunk roads by weekdays and working days and by region


Turnover growth hotels and restaurants for the first time in more than three years

In the fourth quarter of 2010, turnover in the sector hotels and restaurants showed a 3.7 percent increase on one year previously. Higher prices account for half of the turnover growth, the other...


Manufacturing output 3 percent up

The average daily output generated in Dutch manufacturing industry was more than 3 percent higher in March 2011 than in March 2010.


Mood among Dutch consumers remains gloomy

The mood among Dutch consumers remained gloomy in May, the consumer confidence index stood unchanged at -10. Consumers were less confident about the economic situation in general. Their willingness...


Retail sector performs well

Retail turnover was more than 4 percent higher in November 2010 than in November 2009, the most substantial growth in two years.


Dutch consumer confidence falls

The mood among Dutch consumers deteriorated in June compared with May, after having improved for three consecutive months. Consumer confidence fell by 4 points to -36.


Investment climate; The Netherlands international comparison 1990-2009

Gross Domestic Product, exports, Foreign Direct Investments, inward, Value added in services and population size broken down by region


Retail sector faces turnover loss

The retail sector faced 4.7 percent turnover loss in February 2013 relative to February 2012. Retail prices were 2.6 percent up, whereas the volume of retail sales was down by 7.1 percent.


Retail turnover down

The retail sector faced 5.2 percent turnover loss in March 2013 relative to March 2012. Retail prices were 2.6 percent up, whereas the volume of retail sales was down by 7.7 percent.


Manufacturing sales 13 percent up

Dutch manufacturers realised a turnover growth of 13 percent in April 2011 relative to April 2010. The growth rate was less substantial than in February and March. Turnover growth was almost entirely...
