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Smaller contraction of investment in July

The volume of investments in tangible fixed assets was 4.5 percent down in July 2020 relative to the same month last year. This contraction is smaller than in the previous three months.


Institutional investors; balance sheet 1998 - 2012

Financial instrument by borrowing or lending party Pension funds, insurance corporations and investment funds.


Mortality decline continues, more slowly than last week

Mortality in week 17 is roughly 30 percent in excess of the average weekly mortality in the first ten weeks of 2020.


House prices almost 6 percent higher in August

In August 2019, prices of owner-occupied dwellings (excluding new constructions) were on average 5.7 percent higher than in the same month last year.


Passenger car mileage at record high in 2018

Dutch passenger vehicles covered a record distance of 121.4 bn km in 2018, an increase of 1.2 percent on 2017. This was mainly on account of business-owned vehicles. Diesel mileage declined again...


Economic situation again less favourable

According to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation in March is again slightly less favourable compared to the previous month.


Gemeentelijke heffingen

Hoe ontwikkelen de gemeentelijke heffingen zich in 2021? CBS-hoofdeconoom Peter Hein van Mulligen heeft de cijfers in deze korte video.


The Dutch agricultural sector from an international perspective, 2021

This publication outlines the latest developments in Dutch international trade in agricultural goods, covering both imports and exports and including initial estimates of trade figures over the year...


Household spending 1 percent up in January

Dutch consumers spent 1.0 percent more in January 2020 than in January 2019.


Institutional investors; investments in property 1980 - 2012

Pension funds, insurance corporations, investment funds. Direct property, indirect property.


Nearly 71 percent less air passenger traffic in 2020

Last year, 23.6 million passengers travelled to and from the five main airports of the Netherlands.


Number of employed persons further up

Between July and September 2019, the number of people in paid employment grew by 8 thousand per month on average, reaching a total of nearly 9.0 million in September. In the same period, unemployment...


Investments of institutional investors; foreign investments 1980 - 2014

Foreign investments for each category of investments. Pension funds, insurance corporations, investment funds.


Investments of institutional investors 1996 - 2014

Total investments; breakdown in terms of percentage by type of investment Pension funds, insurance corporations and investment funds.


Manual retail price observations discontinued

Manual retail price observations discontinued


GDP growth rate remains 0.4 percent in Q4 2019

According to the second estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), gross domestic product (GDP) showed 0.4 percent growth in Q4 2019 relative to Q3 2019.


Exports down by 4 percent in March

The total volume of goods exports shrank by 4.0 percent in March year-on-year. This is the first contraction in exports since June 2019.


Exports up by almost 4 percent in January

The total volume of goods exports grew by 3.7 percent in Janaury year-on-year. Growth was lower than in the previous month.


Nearly 40 percent fewer asylum seekers in 2020

In 2020, the number of asylum seekers was almost 40 percent down on the previous year. Nearly 14 thousand people submitted a first-time asylum application last year.


Manufacturing output prices 4.0 percent down in December

Prices of Dutch-manufactured products were on average 4 percent down in December 2020 year-on-year.


Retail trade: record growth in 2020, contraction in December

In 2020 the Dutch retail sector achieved 5.9 percent year-on-year turnover growth, the second-highest growth rate recorded this century. However, due to the measures against the spread of...


46 bankruptcies in week 42

In week 42,46 companies and institutions including sole proprietorships were declared bankrupt


Donorregistration; background characteristics

Background characteristics Sex, age, origin and generation


Livestock pigs, 1981- 2020

Livestock pigs, number of piglets, sows and boars in April and December


Confidence among manufacturers improves further

For the first time since April 2020, Dutch manufacturers are positive again.
