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3200 results for wedding day
3200 results for wedding day

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Number of bankruptcies marginally down

In April this year, 682 businesses and institutions (excluding one-man businesses) were declared bankrupt, a decrease by 28 from March.


552 businesses and institutions bankrupt in December

In December 2012, 552 businesses and institutions (excluding one-man businesses) in the Netherlands were declared bankrupt, versus 581 in November.


Second estimate for second quarter 2009: economy shrinks by 5.4 percent

The Dutch economy shrank by 5.4 percent in the second quarter of 2009 compared with the same quarter last year.


Manufacturing turnover growing by 11 percent

Manufacturers realised an 11 percent turnover increase in October 2010 compared to the same month in 2009. This growth is up slightly on September. In recent months, manufacturing turnover was well...


Retail turnover 1 percent up

Retail turnover was 1 percent up in December 2011 from December 2010. Prices of retail commodities were 2.5 percent higher. As a result, retail volume shrank by 1.5 percent.


Growth rate investments lower again in November

The volume of investments in tangible fixed assets grew by 0.8 percent in November 2016.


Investments 9.3 percent up in July

The volume of investments in tangible fixed assets was 9.3 percent up in July 2017.


Strong growth of Dutch exports

The volume of exports of goods was up by 5.4 percent in July 2015 from July 2014. This growth is stronger than in the preceding five months, according to Statistics Netherlands, and most substantial...


Substantial drop for retail turnover in September

Turnover generated by the Dutch retail sector was 5.9 percent down in September 2013 from September 2012. Prices of retail commodities were on average 1.4 percent higher. The volume of retail sales...


bankruptcies fall to 6.5-year low

According to Statistics Netherlands, 370 businesses and institutions (excluding one-man businesses) were declared bankrupt in May this year, i.e. 84 down from the preceding month.


Exports still low

In June 2009, the volume of Dutch goods exports was 12 percent down on twelve months previously. The volume of goods imports decreased by more than 15 percent.


Retail turnover down

Turnover generated by the Dutch retail sector was1.5 percent down in October 2013 from October 2012. On average, retail prices were at approximately the same level as twelve months previously. The...


Second estimate Dutch second quarter economic growth: small upward adjustment

The Dutch economy shrank by 0.4 percent in the second quarter of 2012 compared with the same period last year. This second estimate is 0.1 of a percent point higher than the first estimate published...
