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3615 results for General Inspectorate (AID)
3615 results for General Inspectorate (AID)

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Consumer confidence turns from negative to positive

The mood among Dutch consumers has turned from negative to positive in April.


Dutch consumers prefer low-calorie drinks

The per capita consumption of light soft drinks in the Netherlands was 30 litres last year, approximately the same as in 2006.


Marginal improvement consumer confidence

The mood among Dutch consumers improved marginally in March relative to February. The consumer confidence indicator climbed 3 points to -41, but confidence remains low.


Consumer confidence falls slightly

The mood among consumers deteriorated in September. The consumer confidence index stood at -14 in September versus -11 in August. Pessimistic consumers outnumber optimistic ones.


Economic opportunities

Important in a greener economy is that the goods and services produced are cleaner and more resource efficient.


Fewer business services providers optimistic about future turnover

In May 2010, the number of Dutch business services providers expecting turnover to increase in the next three months outnumbered those expecting a decrease. However, the difference was less obvious...


Retail turnover down

The retail sector faced 5.3 percent turnover loss in March 2013 relative to March 2012. Retail prices were 2.6 percent up, whereas the volume of retail sales was down by 7.8 percent.


Consumer confidence at highest point in over 9 years

The consumer confidence indicator rose 4 points to + 12 in October. This is the highest level since August 2007.


Dutch consumer confidence down, but still positive

The Dutch consumer confidence indicator declined by 4 point to +1 in July


Higher investments, mainly in residential property

Higher investments, mainly in residential property


Growth investments slows down

Growth investments slows down


Considerable growth investments

The volume of investments in tangible fixed assets grew by 16.7 percent in February 2016 relative to February 2015.


'LAT partners' choose freedom

8 percent of Dutch people in a relationship are not cohabiting. A quarter of these people wants their relationship to remain this way in the future. Why?


Output manufacturing industry down

The average daily output generated by Dutch manufacturing industry was down by over 3 percent in February 2012 from February 2011.


Dutch consumers slightly less pessimistic

The mood among Dutch consumers was somewhat less negative in September than in August. The consumer confidence indicator climbed 3 points and reached -29. Although the mood has lifted a little...


Manufacturing turnover up

Dutch manufacturers realised a turnover growth of 13 percent in September 2011 relative to twelve months previously. In August, turnover growth was 16 percent. Prices of manufactured products were...


Considerable increase tax proceeds from betting and gambling

Tax proceeds from betting and gambling increased from less than 200 million euro in 2006 to nearly 450 million euro in 2009.


Transport equipment sector hit by economic crisis

In the period October 2008–September 2009, output generated by transport equipment manufacturers had declined by more than a quarter relative to the same period in the previous year. Within the...


Providers of business services anticipate turnover increase

In July, business services providers anticipating turnover to grow during the next three months outnumbered those anticipating turnover to decline. The index stood at + 7 in July versus – 5 in June.


Number of corporate takeovers nearly doubled in 3 years

The number of corporate takeovers has nearly doubled in the period 2009-2012. Corporate takeovers generally involve medium-sized and small businesses.
