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6782 results for CBS corporate news

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Investments almost 9 percent down in August

The volume of investments in tangible fixed assets was 8.6 percent down in August 2020 relative to the same month last year. This contraction is larger than in the previous two months.


Producer confidence slightly lower in February

In February 2021, the mood among Dutch manufacturers deteriorated slightly. Producer confidence stands at 0.1, down from 0.6 in January.


Economic picture slightly less favourable

According to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation in December is slightly less favourable than in the previous month again.


Immigration down after coronavirus outbreak

Immigration more than halved in the weeks following the implementation of COVID-19 measures and the number of Syrian refugees fell to a low in those weeks.


Household spending 1.1 percent up in February

Dutch consumers spent 1.1 percent more in February 2020 than in February 2019.


55 bankruptcies in week 47

In week 47, 55 companies and institutions including sole proprietorships were declared bankrupt.


16 februari persconferentie economische groei

Dinsdag 16 februari 2021 organiseert het CBS een persconferentie over de economische groei, de ontwikkelingen op de arbeidsmarkt en het conjunctuurbeeld in het 4e kwartaal van 2020 en de economische...


Institutional investors; balance sheet 1998-2016

Financial instrument by borrowing or lending party Pension funds, insurance corporations and investment funds.


More Syrian asylum seekers and following relatives

In Q3 2019, the Netherlands received 5,910 asylum seekers and 1,200 following family members.


Less road haulage to and from the United Kingdom

In 2018, road hauliers carried 4.6 million tonnes of goods between the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.


Mortality in times of corona

Mortality has dropped below the expected level as of week 20.


First week of May: 55 bankruptcies

In week 19 (working week 4 to 8 May inclusive), 55 companies and institutions including sole proprietorships were declared bankrupt.


Exports down by over 11 percent in April

The total volume of goods exports shrank by 11.2 percent in April year-on-year.


House prices over 6 percent higher in September

In September 2019, prices of owner-occupied dwellings (excluding new constructions) were on average 6.1 percent higher than in the same month last year.


160 thousand more employed within a year

Between August and October 2019, the number of people in paid employment rose by 14 thousand per month on average, reaching a total of 9.0 million in October. In the same period, unemployment rose by...


Manufacturing output 12.5 percent down in May

In May 2020, the average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was 12.5 percent down on May 2019.


Consumer confidence unchanged in February

In February, confidence among Dutch consumers has not changed compared to the previous month


Fewer concerns over job retention among employees

Employees are increasingly less concerned about retaining their jobs; 24% in 2016 and as much as 34% in 2013.


39 bankruptcies in week 46

In week 46,39 companies and institutions including sole proprietorships were declared bankrupt


Mortality in week 46 still higher than expected

In week 46 (9 to 15 November inclusive), the estimated number of deaths stood at 3,600.


Mortality not rising further in week 45

In week 45 (2 to 8 November inclusive), the estimated number of deaths stood at 3,630. This is approximately the same number as in the previous week, when there were 3,644 deaths.


Economic picture unchanged

According to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation in May is the same as in the previous month.


Statistics Estonia to coordinate data governance

We aim to transform Statistics Estonia into a national data agency


General government surplus 1.8% of GDP in mid-2019

In the first six months of 2019, the government had a budget surplus of 14 bn euros, as revenues increased more rapidly than expenditure.


Increased R&D spending in 2016

R&D expenditure in the Netherlands in 2016
