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3358 results for nature value
3358 results for nature value

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10% of Dutch agricultural exports destined for UK

A relatively large share (10% in 2016) of Dutch agricultural exports is destined for the UK.


Services; employment and finance per sector, SIC 2008, 2009-2013

Services; jobs, labour volume, costs and revenues, financial results Hotels, information and communication. personal and business services


Index figures rebuilding costs dwellings

Rebuilding cost dwellings, index figures and changes based on 1990=100 or 1995=100


Renewable energy; capacity, domestic production and use, 1990-2013

Production and capacities of renewable electricity, heat and gas for wind energy, hydro, solar, geothermal, aerothermal and biomass


Recovery Dutch economy continues

The Dutch economy grew by 2.5 percent in the fourth quarter of 2010 compared to the same period in 2009. If the working-day pattern and the effects of seasonal variation are taken into account, the...


Household consumption nearly 2 percent up in May

Dutch household consumption was almost 2 percent up in May 2018.


SDG 10.1 Social cohesion and inequality

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 10 Reduced inequalities: social cohesion and inequality. SDG 10.1 addresses social cohesion, inclusiveness and equality. Social cohesion is...


Economic growth 0.7 percent

According to the first estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands, the Dutch economy grew 0.7 percent in the fourth quarter relative to the third quarter.


Second estimate second quarter 2013: economic contraction 0.1 percent

The Dutch economy contracted 0.1 percent in the second quarter of 2013 relative to the first quarter. When the first estimate was published on 14 August, the contraction was 0.2 percent.


Household consumption down

Household spending on goods and services was 1.1 percent lower in February 2010 than in February 2009. In January, household spending was 0.7 percent down on one year previously. Households have been...


Households cautious about spending

Dutch household spending on goods and services was 2.7 percent lower in November 2009 than in November 2008.



Selection of Statistics Netherlands releases in the period 21-25 April 2008 (Week 17).


smartphone increasingly important import product

In the period 2007 - October 2014, the share of imported mobile phones and smartphones in total imports more than doubled to 2 percent.


Top sectors employ over 1.6 million people

The so-called top sectors include more than 260 thousand businesses. Together, they accounted for more than one third of total output value in 2010. Two thirds of spending on innovation projects by...
