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3450 results for data visualisations
3450 results for data visualisations

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Construction; costs of alteration and new buildings, by phase 1995-2016

Building costs of alteration and new buildings by category of purpose by building phase by type of client, type of building and province


Dutch public debt continues to drop

Developments in government finance in Q2 2017.


Consumer prices; European harmonised price index 2005=100 (HICP), 2002-2015

European harmonised consumer price indices. Index figures Consumer goods. (base year 2005 = 100)


Vacancy indicator

Short survey description vacancy indicator


Environmental Goods and Services Sector; NACE 1995-2010

Environmental sector to economic industry and per environmental domain such as protection of water, air and management of natural resources.


Water production and use, public water supply companies

Water production and use of ground water, dune water, infiltration water and surface water (for drinking water or semi - filtrate water) by region


De Monitor Brede Welvaart

Het cijfer over de economische groei zegt niet alles over hoe we er voor staan in Nederland. Daarom heeft het CBS op verzoek van de Tweede Kamer de Monitor Brede Welvaart ontwikkeld. CBS-onderzoeker...


Consumer spending up by more than 2 percent in May

Dutch consumer spending was more than 2 percent up in May 2017 from May 2016.


SDG 16.1 Security and peace

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16 Peace, justice and strong institutions: security and peace. SDG 16.1 aims to promote a safe society in which everyone has access to a fair legal...


SDG 3 Good health and well-being

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3 Good health and well-being. SDG 3 ensures healthy lives and promotes well-being for everyone. Everybody must have the opportunity to live in good...


Changes in collective labour agreement wages

Changes in collective labour agreement wages per hour


Registered unemployment; Dec’88/Febr’89 - April 2010/Juni 2010

Registered unemployment (not) seasonally adjusted, sex, age, duration of registration


Consumer price index (CPI) all households, 2000=100

Consumer price indices all households. Index figures Consumer goods. (base year 2000=100)


Retail trade; turnover change, 2000 - 2012

Turnover value, price and volume indices and changes in retail trade Retail Trade (SIC 2008)


Regional accounts; production structure 1995-2011

Output; Gross value added; Labour input Economic activity (SIC2008); Regions; Periods


Guests in leisure accommodation; by region, type of accommodation '98-'10

Guests in leisure accommodation; by region and type of accommodation


Investments slightly down in September

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports that the volume of investments in tangible fixed assets was 0.3 percent down in September 2018 relative to the same month last year.


Construction; value added (SIC 2008), Jan 2005 - April 2014

Volume changes in construction, compared to the same period of the the previous year and volume index figures, 2010 = 100


International trade and transit trade; transport mode, 2007-2017

International trade, transport, transit trade Continents, NSTR chapters, flow types, value and weight, transport mode


unemployment statistics better and cheaper

Lower costs, more respondents, better international comparability and web surveys.


Wholesale trade; turnover change, index 2010=100, 2005-2017

Wholesale trade. Turnover: index 2010=100, change. By activity (SIC 2008).


Leiden’s educational opportunities into clear focus

The UDC Leiden studied how many children attending primary school and living in Leiden have an elevated risk of educational disadvantage.


Labour Force; level of education by personal characteristics 2001-2012

labour force level of education, ethnic background, sex


Terms of trade in goods; index 2000 = 100, 1990 - 2013

Terms of trade Index figures, base year 2000 = 100 and changes


Environmental accounts; origin and destination, waste, 1990-2010

Origin and destination of waste ways of treatment
