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2648 results for traffic and transport
2648 results for traffic and transport

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More and more employees want to work to the age of 65

The share of employees in the Netherlands who say they want to work until they reach the age of 65 years has doubled in the space of four years: from 21 percent in 2005 to 42 percent in 2009


Fewer concerns over job retention among employees

Employees are increasingly less concerned about retaining their jobs; 24% in 2016 and as much as 34% in 2013.


Unemployment rate up

Over the past three months, more people in the Netherlands who were not actively looking on the labour market have begun seeking employment, but often without success. The number of people in the...


Consumption; 1995-September 2005

Changes, indices, shares, value of consumption of households and actual individual consumption of households by type of goods and services;


Dutch economy shrinks by 1.1 percent

According to the first provisional estimate, the Dutch economy shrank by 1.1 percent in the first quarter of 2012 compared with the same period last year.


Care spending up by 5.1 percent

In 2007, total spending on care, i.e. health care plus welfare services, amounted to 74 billion euro, a 5.1 percent increase relative to 2006.


Much smaller rise in care spending

Health care and welfare cost nearly 60 billion euro in 2004. This is 4.3 percent more than 2003. Spending on care still rose by as much 10 percent annually in the period 2001-2003. The decrease in...


The Rationale of spatial economic top sector policy

Cities and clusters are important from an economical point of view. According to various national and international studies, agglomeration economies mean that businesses in urban areas and clusters...


consumer spending up again, consumer confidence slightly less positive

According to figures released by Statistics Netherlands today, Dutch consumer spending on goods and services was up by 1.1 percent in May 2015 on the same month last year. Consumers spent more on...


Economy 0.7 percent in decline

According to the first, provisional estimate, the Dutch economy declined by 0.7 percent in the fourth quarter of 2011 relative to the same period in 2010.


Caribbean Netherlands; consumer price index (CPI) 2010=100, 2010-2017

Consumer price index, Quarter-on-Quarter change, Year-on-year change Spending category per Caribbean island


Balassa index

The publication of data about the specialisation of Dutch exports in commodities in relation to the exports of the EU (without the Netherlands).


Euregional Data Center opened in South Limburg

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) has worked on the establishment of several CBS Urban Data Centers


Sustained decline unemployment

Unemployment fell to 603 thousand in July. Over the past three months, unemployment declined by 22 thousand. The number of working people increased by 14 thousand in this period. The employed labour...


most substantial increase consumer spending in four years, consumer confidence marginally down

According to figures released by Statistics Netherlands today, Dutch consumer spending on goods and services was 2.4 percent up in February 2015 from the same month last year, i.e. the most...


Russian boycott will cost Dutch economy 300 million euros

The export value of goods covered by Russian boycott amounted to more than 500 million euros in 2013. The Netherlands earned approximately 300 million euros and about 5,000 jobs were involved.


Unemployment further down in July

Unemployment has fallen for the third month in a row. More people recently found work.


Poverty continues to rise in 2005, and falls subsequently

In 2004, 10.3 percent of Dutch households had to get by on a low income. This means that poverty increased further in 2004, just as in 2003.


Tourism sector continues to grow

The tourism sector is becoming increasingly important to the Dutch economy.


Economic situation improves

The economic situation improved in August.


Use sensors to improve Dutch people’s health

How can we make smarter use of technology in Dutch health research.


Omnibus survey Caribbean Netherlands

Short survey description Omnibus survey Caribbean Netherlands
