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3449 results for data visualisations

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Consumer spending up by almost 1 percent in February

Dutch consumer spending was 0.8 percent up in February 2017 from February 2016


Waste balance, kind of waste per sector; national accounts, 2008-2012

Waste by categories Origin and destination of waste


CLAMOUR (CLAssifications MOdelling and Utilities Research)

CLAMOUR is a European collaborative project which resulted in 2002 in a model which enables the flexible and harmonised use of units and activity classifications in European statistics.


US companies account for 12 percent of turnover

Subsidiaries with a US parent company account for some 12 percent of total private sector turnover in the Netherlands.


Agriculture and horticulture services; employment and finance, 2009-2013

Agriculture services; jobs, labour volume, costs and revenues, results Support activities for agriculture


Sick leave; private sector

Sick leave as a percentage, including and excluding maternity leave broken down by economic activity, number of employees,type of insurance


Wellbeing; participation and trust, 2003-2012

Happiness, satisfaction with life, Club participation, church attendance, volunteer work, trust


0.3 percent economic growth in Q4

Statistics Netherlands reports that Dutch quarter-on-quarter economic growth in Q4 2015 was 0.3 percent. Growth is fuelled by investments and exports.


Help showing map

Help showing map


Cao wages, contractual wage costs and working hours;(2000=100), 2000-2014

Cao wages, contractual wage costs and working hours, Index fig. 2000=100 monthly, SIC'93


Manufacturers less confident in August

Confidence among Dutch manufacturers stood at 5.4 in August, down from 6.6 in July.


Statistics Netherlands voted Best Government Organisation of the Year 2015

CBS has been chosen Best Government Organisation of the Year 2015.


Retail sector records largest turnover growth in seven years

Statistics Netherlands reports today that the retail sector achieved a 4.7 percent turnover growth in June relative to June 2014, the highest growth rate since July 2008.


Tourism in Caribbean Netherlands stable

In 2016, Bonaire received around 136 thousand tourists arriving by air.


Guest in overnight accommodation; by origin and tourist region '98-'10

Guest in overnight accommodation; by origin and tourist region


Wholesale trade sector; development of stocks, 2005-2012

Wholesale trade, stock index figures, change of stocks Base average quarter stock 2005 = 100


How much will my home be worth later on?

What are the dynamics behind house price fluctuations and how high is the risk of severe depreciation for homeowners


More lorry journeys with cleaner engines

Lorry journeys by engine emission standard (European emission standard for lorries)


Forecast: 18 million inhabitants in 2029

According to the latest forecast by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), the population of the Netherlands will continue to grow in the coming years. The 18 millionth inhabitant is expected to arrive in...


Information and communication; turnover, index 2010=100, 2005 - 2017

Information and communication. Turnover: index 2010 = 100, change. By activity (SIC 2008).


Greece relatively cheapest for holidays

Out of the five most popular summer holiday destinations, Greece has the cheapest hotels and restaurants.


Social assistance and reintegration

Figures on (characteristics of) recipients of social assistance benefits in your municipality.


Owner-occupiers Housing Expenditures, costs to acquire and own, 2015=100

Short method description Owner-occupiers Housing (OOH) Expenditures 2015=100


Consumer spending up by 1.6 percent in March

Dutch consumer spending was 1.6 percent up in March 2017.


Construction; costs of alteration and new buildings, by phase 1995-2016

Building costs of alteration and new buildings by category of purpose by building phase by type of client, type of building and province
