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3615 results for General Inspectorate (AID)
3615 results for General Inspectorate (AID)

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Establishing the accuracy of online panels for survey research

Establishing the accuracy of online panels for survey research


Investments fixed assets companies, SIC'93 2000-2008

Investments in fixed assets Branches (SIC'93) trade and industry



Selection of Statistics Netherlands releases in the period 26-30 January 2009 (Week 5).


Business service providers optimistic about future turnover

In September, the number of business services providers anticipating turnover growth in the next three months largely outnumbered those anticipating a decrease. The balance of positive and negative...


SDG 7 Affordable and clean energy

Latest data contributing to worldwide monitoring of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7 Affordable and clean energy. Energy is crucial for economy and society, but is still often generated from...


Selectivity of Big data

Assessment of selectivity of Big data sets is generally not straightforward, if at all possible. Some approaches are proposed in this paper. It is argued that the degree to which selectivity – or its...


Unemployment slightly further down

In January 2011, seasonally adjusted unemployment in the Netherlands stood at 398 thousand, a decline by 3 thousand relative to December 2010. Unemployment has been in decline for almost a year now.


Pupils from high-income families more often fall back to lower level of education

In the school year 2004/’05, more than185 thousand new pupils were registered in secondary education. Three years later, nearly 26 thousand of them attended the middle management vocational track...



Selection of Statistics Netherlands releases in the period 1-5 September 2008 (Week 36).


Spending in European webshops up by 15 percent

In Q1 2018, Dutch consumers spent around 400 million euros (excl. VAT) on products sold by foreign EU webshops.


Disposable household income higher

Disposable household incomes rose by 0.3 percent year-on-year, mainly due to higher wages.


Social media as a data source for official statistics; the Dutch Consumer Confidence Index

In this paper the question is addressed how alternative data sources, such as administrative and social media data, can be used in the production of official statistics. Since most surveys at...



Selection of Statistics Netherlands releases in the period 20-24 April 2009 (Week 17).


When do I receive a reporting obligation for international trade in goods?

frequently asked questions about Int. Trade in Goods


Much more sewage sludge incinerated

In 2008, almost the entire volume of sludge from the Dutch sewerage system was incinerated.


Institutional investors; property, changes 1999-2017

Institutional investors; property; changes. Purchases; Sales; Other changes.


Investing abroad and trade relationships

Over half of enterprises outside the service sector with stakes in a foreign business in 2014 also maintained a trade relationship with the country where that business is located.


Coal for electricity production costs 40 percent more

In the first quarter of 2008 coal used to produce electricity cost 40 percent more than in the same period last year. Coal prices have been rising substantially since the second quarter of 2007.


Producer price indices for services (SPPI); index 2010=100, 2002-2017

Price indices commercial services, different branches such as transport and storage, IT and architecture
