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3952 results for keyword:business cycle
3952 results for keyword:business cycle

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Interest rate unchanged

The Dutch long-term interest rate, based on the return of the most recent ten-year government loan, averaged 3.4 percent in March 2010, the same rate as in February.


Dutch inflation slightly up

In March 2010, Dutch inflation was 1.0 percent, i.e. 0.2 percentage points up on February.


Overall picture retail trade remains negative

The retail turnover was 4.0 percent lower in February 2010 than in the same month last year.


Retail turnover down again

In February, Dutch retailers faced a 4 percent loss of turnover relative to February 2009. Retail prices were more than 1 percent higher than one year previously. As a result, retail volume shrank by...


Marginal increase bankruptcies

In March this year, 640 businesses and institutions (excluding one-man businesses) in the Netherlands were declared bankrupt, i.e. an increase by more than 70 compared to the preceding month.


Terms of trade again worse than one year previously

Compared to one year previously, Dutch terms of trade of imported and exported goods deteriorated in February 2010. However, the deterioration was less substantial than in the four preceding months.


Further recovery for exports

In February, the volume of goods exports was more than 11 percent up on twelve months previously versus 8 percent in January, but it should be taken into account that the substantial downturn in...


Increase manufacturing output

The average daily output of Dutch manufacturing industry was 4 percent up in February 2010 on February 2009. In January, output was 5 percent above the level of January 2009


High petrol price has upward effect on inflation

The Dutch inflation rate in March 2010 was 1.0 percent, i.e. 0.2 percentage points higher than in February.


Dutch inflation slightly up

In March, Dutch inflation was 1.0 percent, i.e. 0.2 percentage points up on February.


Half of capital loss households regained, plummeting profits private sector

The capital owned by Dutch households has grown by 136 billion euro in 2009, the most substantial increase ever recorded in the span of one year. This means that 57 percent of the capital that...


Interest rate unchanged

The Dutch long-term interest rate, based on the return of the most recent ten-year government loan, averaged 3.4 percent in March, the same rate as in February.


Factory gate prices further up

In February, factory gate prices in Dutch manufacturing were over 6 percent up on February 2009. In January, prices of manufactured products were nearly 5 percent higher than twelve months previously.


Good start for exports in 2010

The volume of goods exports was nearly 10 percent larger in January than twelve months previously. In December, the volume of exports was only 2 percent up. It should be taken into account that the...


Manufacturers less gloomy

In March 2010, the mood among Dutch manufacturers was less pessimistic than in February 2010. The producer confidence index rose from -5.0 to -3.1. This improvement was caused by the fact that...


Fewer jobs lost

The number of jobs of employees was 147 thousand lower in the fourth quarter of 2009 than one year previously, a decrease by 1.8 percent. In the third quarter of last year, 139 thousand jobs were...


Decline in household consumption slows down

Household spending on goods and services was 0.7 percent lower in January 2010 than in January 2009. In December, household spending still was 2.5 percent down on one year previously. Households have...


Manufacturing stocks shrink further

Manufacturers had reduced their stocks of finished products by more than 14 percent in January relative to January 2009. The decrease in January was somewhat larger than in the five preceding months.


Business services providers more optimistic about future turnover

In March, the number of business services providers expecting turnover to increase in the next three months easily outnumbered those expecting a decline. Optimists outnumbered pessimists by 25...


Modest further economic recovery

The Dutch economy shrank by 2.2 percent in the fourth quarter of 2009 compared with the same period in 2008. The decrease was much smaller than in the first three quarters of 2009.


Fewer jobs lost

In the fourth quarter of last year, 147 thousand jobs of employees were lost compared to the fourth quarter of 2008, a reduction by 1.8 percent.


Decrease in house prices less substantial

According to the price index of existing owner-occupied houses – a joint publication by Statistics Netherlands and the Land Registry Office – prices of houses sold in February 2010 were on average...
