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3086 results for foreign employees
3086 results for foreign employees

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Marginal unemployment growth

According to the most recent figures released by Statistics Netherlands, seasonally adjusted unemployment grew by 2 thousand in September to reach 685 thousand, i.e. 8.6 percent of the labour force.


Unemployment further up

According to the most recent figures, seasonally adjusted unemployment increased by 17 thousand in September 2011 to 438 thousand, i.e. 5.6 percent of the labour force.


Unemployment levels off

Adjusted for seasonal variation, 400 thousand persons (5.1 percent of the Dutch labour force) were registered as unemployed in February 2011. The number of unemployed remained stable in February.


Unemployment further up

Seasonally adjusted unemployment increased by 17 thousand in October 2011 to 455 thousand.


Manufacturing output prices up by 3.5 percent

Prices of Dutch-manufactured products were 3.5 percent up in October 2017 year-on-year.


Unemployment down in August

According to the latest figures released by Statistics Netherlands, seasonally adjusted unemployment fell to 683 thousand in August, i.e. 8.6 percent of the labour force.


Sharp increase unemployment

According to the latest figures, unemployment adjusted for seasonal variation increased by 21 thousand in January to 592 thousand.


Unemployment continues to rise

Figures show that seasonally adjusted unemployment rose by 5 thousand in September 2012, to 519 thousand.


Producers' confidence unchanged

Producers’ confidence in the manufacturing industry is 0.5 in August. This is the same as in July. Producers’ confidence is now well above the low point in June 2003. In August producers were again...


Unemployment marginally down

The most recent figures show that seasonally adjusted unemployment declined marginally in February 2012 to 469 thousand, i.e. 6 percent of the labour force.


Growing confidence among Dutch manufacturers

The mood among Dutch manufacturers improved marginally in May relative to April. Currently, manufacturers are cautiously optimistic.


Declining growth self-employed without personnel

In 2008, there were more than 640 thousand self-employed without personnel (ZZP workers) in the Netherlands. Their number has risen sharply over the past twelve years but in the second quarter of...


Two in three Bonaire residents work

In 2010, 10.7 thousand people aged 15 years or older lived on Bonaire; 7.1 thousand of them had a job, which puts the labour participation rate for the island at 66.6 percent.


Unemployment hits sector business services

In the first six months of 2009, unemployment grew in those sectors where the number of male employees is relatively high, e.g. business services, manufacturing industry, trade and transport and...


Economic situation deteriorating further

The economic situation at the end of September was worse than at the end of August. Indicators showed further deterioration across the board. The heart of the scatter in the Business Cycle Tracer is...


Manufacturing output prices up by almost 3 percent

Prices of Dutch-manufactured products were 2.8 percent up in December 2017 year-on-year.


Increase in manufacturing prices more substantial

Selling prices in Dutch manufacturing industry were more than 4 percent higher in August 2012 than in August 2011. In July, prices for manufactured products were nearly 2 percent up from twelve...


Manufacturing turnover 14 percent up

Dutch Manufacturing turnover was 14 percent up in March 2010 on March 2009, while in February it was 10 percent up on February 2009.
