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3128 results for measuring economy
3128 results for measuring economy

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Research and development; personnel, expenditure, company size, branch

Persons employed, FTE, R&D expenditure, company size, branch (SIC 2008)


Well-being here and now: housing

What is well-being ‘here and now’? Housing.


Consumers less negative once again

In March 2024, the mood among consumers improved further.


Provincial budgets; revenues and expenditures by province

Budgeted expenditures and revenues per task (policy area) in millions of and in euros per inhabitant by province


Economic contraction of 0.5 percent in Q1 2024

According to the second estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), gross domestic product (GDP) decreased by 0.5 percent in Q1 2024 relative to Q4 2023. According to the first estimate,...


Consumers are slightly less negative once again

In February 2024, the mood among consumers improved slightly further.


The Caribbean Netherlands in numbers

A presentation of the new edition of our publication 'The Caribbean Netherlands in numbers'. Our annual publication 'The Caribbean Netherlands in Numbers''is a collection of articles/factsheets about...


Compensation of employees, employment; quarterly, National Accounts

Compensation of employees, wages, jobs (by sex) , fte, hours worked quarterly, economic activity


Macroeconomic scoreboard

Macroeconomic imbalances; macroeconomic risks; macroeconomic scoreboard; European Union; Quarter.


Economic growth of 0.4 percent in Q4 2023

According to the second estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), gross domestic product (GDP) increased by 0.4 percent in Q4 2023 relative to Q3 2023.


Compensation of employees, employment; quarterly, National Accounts

Compensation of employees, wages, jobs (by sex) , fte, hours worked quarterly, economic activity


Well-being ‘here and now’: labour and leisure time

What is well-being ‘here and now’? Labour and leisure time.


Consumer prices; price index 1900 = 100

Consumer price index Year of reference 1900 = 100


Public revenue 3 bn euros higher than expenditure after three quarters

The Dutch central government achieved a surplus of 3 billion euros over the first three quarters of this year.


Resilience ‘here and now’

How prepared is the Netherlands to withstand a major shock in the short-term? Will people still have a means of livelihood, and how will the most vulnerable groups be affected?


Well-being ‘elsewhere’: environment and resources

Well-being ‘elsewhere’: environment and resources reflects the effects of Dutch imports of resources and the environmental impact of this, particularly in the least developed countries (LDCs), for...


Mobility; per person, personal characteristics, modes of travel and regions

Trips, distance travelled, time traveled, average per person per day/year personal characteristics, modes of travel and regions


Mobility; per person, personal characteristics, travel purposes and regions

Trips, distance travelled, time travelled, per person per day/year personal characteristics, purposes of travel and regions


Consumers slightly less negative in January

In January 2024, the mood among consumers improved slightly further.


Structural changes in material flows, 1950-2020

Structural changes in material use since 1950 are presented and analysed. An Index Decomposition Analysis for CO2 emissions is conducted.


House Prices: new and existing dwellings price index 2015=100

Price index dwellings, price index 2015=100, price development Sold dwellings, average selling price


Economic contraction 0.2 percent in Q3 2022

According to the first quarterly estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) on the basis of currently available data, in Q3 2022 gross domestic product (GDP) decreased by 0.2 percent relative...


Consumers less negative in December

In December 2023, Dutch consumers are less negative than they were in the previous month.


Mobility; per trip, modes of travel, purposes of travel and regions

Average distance travelled per trip, average time travelled per trip modes of travel, purposes of travel and region characteristics
