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641 results for keyword:turnover
641 results for keyword:turnover

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Retail turnover up due to higher prices

Retail turnover in August 2011 was 2.5 percent up on the same month last year. The increase was entirely due to higher prices.


Retail sales marginally lower

Dutch retail sales were nearly 1 percent lower in July 2011 than in July 2010.


Low river water level favourable for inland shipping

Turnover generated by inland shipping was nearly 20 percent higher in the second quarter of 2011than in the same period last year. This is partly due to the low water level.


Retail sales marginally down

According to the most recent figures retail sales were 0.7 percent down in July 2011 on the same month last year.


Retail sales marginally lower

Retail sales were nearly 1 percent lower in July 2011 than in July 2010. Retail prices were nearly 3 percent higher. As a result, retail volume shrank by nearly 4 percent relative to one year...


Turnover growth manufacturing industry 13 percent

Dutch manufacturers realised a turnover growth of 13 percent in July 2011 relative to July 2010. In June, turnover was 9 percent up on one year previously.


Virtually no growth retail turnover in June

Retail sales in June were almost at the same level as in June 2010. Retail prices were nearly 3 percent higher. As a result, retail volume shrank by more than 2 percent. Just as in May, turnover in...


Turnover construction sector picks up in first half of 2011

After 2010, a very dramatic year for the construction sector (excluding property developers), the first six months of 2011 were somewhat more positive. The mild temperatures in winter prompted a 6...


Turnover sector hotels and restaurants improves considerably

Turnover generated by the sector hotels and restaurants in the second quarter of 2011 was 6.6 percent up on the same perod last year.


Providers of business services anticipate turnover increase

n August, business services providers anticipating turnover to grow during the next three months outnumbered those anticipating turnover to decline. The index stood at + 21 in August versus +7 in...


No growth retail turnover in June

Retail sales in June were at the same level as in June 2010.


Retail trade: higher prices, lower sales

Retail sales in the second quarter of 2011 were 1.4 percent up on the second quarter of 2010.


Turnover growth manufacturing industry 8 percent

Dutch manufacturers realised a turnover growth of 8 percent in June 2011 relative to June 2010. In May, turnover was 24 percent up on one year previously. The working-day and holiday pattern in June...


Foreign companies in the Netherlands: small number, considerable turnover

One percent of companies in the Netherlands are foreign-owned. These companies contribute disproportionately to the Dutch economy, however.


Providers of business services anticipate turnover increase

In July, business services providers anticipating turnover to grow during the next three months outnumbered those anticipating turnover to decline. The index stood at + 7 in July versus – 5 in June.


Retail sales marginally up

According to the latest figures, retail turnover improved 0.5 percent in May 2011 relative to May 2010. This is entirely due to an average retail price increase of 2.7 percent.


Retail sales marginally up

Retail sales were 0.5 percent higher in May than twelve months previously. Retail prices were nearly 3 percent higher.


Retail turnover more than 3 percent up

Retail turnover was more than 3 percent higher in April 2011 than in April 2010.


Sustained growth number of e-shoppers in 2010

E-shopping is still gaining popularity. Last year, 9.3 million people bought goods and services over the Internet.


Providers of business services anticipate turnover decline

In June, business services providers anticipating turnover growth during the next three months were outnumbered by those anticipating a decline. The index stood at -5 in June versus +15 in May.


House prices down again

Prices of existing owner-occupied houses were on average 1.8 percent lower in May 2011 than in May 2010.


Retail sales 3 percent up

Retail sales improved 3.4 percent in April this year relative to April 2010.


Retail turnover more than 3 percent up

Retail turnover was more than 3 percent higher in April 2011 than in April 2010. Higher prices contributed most to the increase.


Marginal growth retail turnover

Retail turnover was 1.5 percent higher in March 2011 than in March 2010.


Hefty rise in turnover for hotels and restaurants

Hotels and restaurants in the Netherlands booked 6.2 percent more turnover in the first quarter of 2011 than in the same quarter last year.
