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774 results for discussion papers
774 results for discussion papers

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Correcting for linkage errors in contingency tables

Correcting for linkage errors in contingency tables – a cautionary tale


Correcting for linkage errors in the multiple capture

Correcting for linkage errors in the multiple - recapture method for population size estimation.


Bootstrapping the SPAR index

This paper discusses a bootstrap method to estimate the variance of price indices of houses.


Nowcasting using linear time series filters

Nowcasting using linear time series filters


Peer effects on educational attainment

Study of the effect of primary school peer compositions on pupils’ educational achievement in primary and secondary school.


Children of separated parents

Children of separated parents: registered versus reported place of residence


CBS contributes to harmonisation of European labour force survey

News article on the contribution of Statistics Netherlands (CBS) to the harmonisation of European labour force survey


Internationalisation Monitor 2021, second quarter

This edition of the Internationalisation Monitor focuses on the environmental aspect of Dutch international trade: how does globalisation contribute to the issues and solutions in the area of...


Searching for business websites

Searching for the website addresses of businesses


Connecting correction methods for linkage error in CRC

Connecting correction methods for linkage error in capture-recapture.


Fair algorithms in context

Decisions in our society are increasingly supported by Artificial Intelligence (AI). In this work we refer to AI as computers doing ‘intelligent’ tasks. This can for example be determining good moves...


Decomposition price indices

A class of price indices is discussed which models prices using a method that decomposes prices into a time component and a product dependent component.


Is undesirable answer behaviour consistent?

This paper investigates whether answer behavior that points at increased risk of measurement error is consistent across surveys, i.e. whether it is a trait of respondents.


The accuracy of growth rates with classification errors

Evaluating the accuracy of growth rates in the presence of classification errors.


The SPAR index and some alternative house price indices

This paper discusses various ways to compute house price indices and compares them to the


Quasi stochastic population forecasts

Population forecast intervals obtained from 6 variants using a new technique are compared to stochastic forecasting.


Free services, experimental study

Free services, experimental research


Employment estimates using survey and register data

This report describes macro-integration methods applied to the reconciliation process of labor force statistics from two sources.


Heerlen introduces digital rewards for local participation

How do you encourage residents to get involved in their local community?


Information security and privacy are an ongoing priority for CBS

Information security and privacy are permanently high on the agenda at Statistics Netherlands (CBS).


Estimating Classification Error under Edit Restrictions in Combined Survey-Register Data

This discussion paper describes a method based on latent class modeling


Transition plan redesign of the Dutch Labour Force Survey

Estimating discontinuities with a parallel run and a time series modelling approach


Protecting Tables by Means of Cell Suppression

National Statistical Institutes protect tabular data against disclosure of sensitive information before they are released. A well-known method is cell suppression. In this paper we propose a new...


New data sources and inference methods for statistics

Methodological issues with non-probability data for official statistics.
