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30 results for keyword:shipping
30 results for keyword:shipping

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Less cargo loaded and unloaded at Dutch seaports

The total volume of incoming and outgoing cargo shipments that passed through seaports in the Netherlands fell by 7.6 percent to 574 million tonnes in 2023.


Goods transport; modes and flows of transport to and from the Netherlands

Domestic and cross-border goods transport (incoming and outgoing goods transport to and from the Netherlands) for all transport modes.


More crude oil and coal shipments in Q2, fewer from Russia

In Q2 2022, the total volume of incoming and outgoing cargo to and from Dutch seaports increased to nearly 152 million tonnes. This is 2.5 percent up on the same quarter last year.


Cargo throughput at Dutch seaports recovered in 2021

In 2021, the total volume of incoming and outgoing cargo shipments to and from Dutch seaports increased by 6.4 percent to 593 million tonnes.


Seaport throughput down by over 8 percent in 2020

In 2020, the total volume of incoming and outgoing cargo shipments to and from Dutch seaports declined to nearly 558 million tonnes.


Port throughput slumped in first half of 2020

In the first six months of 2020, the volume of transhipments at Dutch seaports declined by nearly 10 percent relative to the same period last year.


More inbound fruit shipments in first half of 2020

In the first six months of 2020, reefer cargo shipments were 2.8 percent up in volume relative to one year previously.


More road and maritime transport in 2018

In 2018, 1.71 billion tonnes of goods were transported to, from and within the Netherlands. This represents a year-on-year increase of 1.2 percent, entirely due to more freight traffic by road (1.6...


Throughput in Dutch seaports at record level

In 2018, the total volume of incoming and outgoing cargo shipments to and from Dutch seaports reached a historic high of almost 605 million tonnes.


Sustained decline coal transhipment at Dutch seaports

Coal supply to Dutch seaports dropped by nearly 7 percent to 50 million tonnes in 2017.


Container transport up, surge in transhipment

Transhipment, onward transportation of unloaded containers to other seaports outside Holland, increased by nearly 30%


Half of unloaded containers carried by container giants

On container shipments arriving in the Port of Rotterdam.


Less cargo throughput in Dutch seaports

Overview of throughput in Dutch seaports in 2016.


Economic description of the Dutch North Sea and coast

Economic valuation of activities related to the Dutch North Sea and coast is presented for the years 2005, 2010 and 2014


Transport of goods in the Netherlands hits new record

The volume of goods transported in the Netherlands reached a new record last year.


Oil tankers dominate short sea shipping

Dutch ports handled a total of nearly 570 million tons of goods in 2014. Nearly half (48 percent) was carried by coastal shipping also referred to as short sea shipping. The rest of the goods were...


China dominates container transport to Port of Rotterdam

According to Statistics Netherlands nearly a quarter of all goods unloaded in the Port of Rotterdam originate from China. The number of containers coming from china had increased by 9 percent in 2014.


Container transport increasingly important

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports that container transhipment in Dutch sea ports has risen by 9 percent in 2014.


more goods entering seaports, larger ships

The volume of goods arriving in Dutch seaports rose by 24 percent between 2000 and 2013. Last year, 388 million tonnes of goods arrived by sea, mostly bulk and container goods. The number of ships...


CO2 emissions slightly higher as production grows

The CO2 emissions by the Dutch economy were up by 0.4 percent in the third quarter of 2014 on the same quarter of 2013. When corrected for differences in the weather CO2 emissions were 1.0 percent...


Nearly 1 percent turnover growth for transport sector

In the fourth quarter of 2013, turnover generated by the transport sector rose by nearly 1 percent relative to one year previously. Total annual turnover over 2013 also grew by nearly 1 percent to...


North Sea provides a quarter of a million full-time jobs

The activities by Dutch enterprises on and around the North Sea provide jobs, directly or indirectly, to almost a quarter of a million people.


Dutch sea shipping rates further up

In the first quarter of 2010, sea shipping rates were 12 percent higher than In the previous quarter.


Traffic sector invests substantially more in environmental measures

Some 653 million euro was invested in the traffic sector to protect the environment in the Netherlands in 2007. This is 60 percent more than in 2005.
