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45 results for keyword:pupils
45 results for keyword:pupils

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Girls whose mothers are educated in technology opt for technical subjects

Students in secondary education are more likely to opt for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects if their parents were also educated in science and technology.


Over 1 in 3 young Ukrainian refugees are in education

A total of 36 percent of Ukrainian refugees aged 15-22 in the Netherlands were in education on 1 October 2023


Students worked 11 hours a week on average in Q3

In the third quarter of 2023, two-thirds of pupils in secondary education aged 15 or older had a part-time job.


Boys happier than girls on Bonaire and Saba

Both on Bonaire and on Saba, boys between the ages of 11 and 18 are on average more likely to report being happy than girls.


Integration process is uphill struggle

Young people with non-western background still lagging behind in socio-economic terms compared to their native Dutch counterpartsIn socio-economic terms.


Seventy thousand primary school pupils in special needs education

In school year 2013/’14, 70 thousand pupils (5 percent) received special needs primary education or attended a special needs primary school in the Netherlands. A new law on appropriate...


More boys in special schools

The number of pupils attending special needs schools in the Netherlands rose by 30 percent in the period 2003/’04 – 2011/’12. The increase mainly took place in secondary education.


Which EU residents benefit from the activities of the European Social Fund (ESF)? A closer look at various characteristics of the participants in the period 2007-2010 (Dutch only)

Reports and tables about characteristics of participants (2008 and 2011) in projects implemented by the ESF and about the durability of the labour relation after participation in ESF projects over...


Steady increase in pupils attending special schools

In school year 2010/’11 nearly 69 thousand pupils went to special schools, compared to 54 thousand in school year 2003/’04.


Annually,  7 percent of pupils move down from class 3 havo to vmbo

Approximately 7 percent of pupils in class 3 havo (higher general secondary education) pupils move down to the vmbo (lower secondary general and vocational education).


More and more vwo pupils choosing nature subject clusters

The proportion of pupils in pre-university education (vwo) choosing one of the two nature subject clusters has increased steadily. The nature subject clusters have been the most popular choice for a...


Growing number of vmbo pupils move up to havo

In recent years more graduated vmbo pupils move up to havo level (higher general secondary education). At the same time, the number of havo pupils advancing to vwo level (pre-university education)...


Pupils from high-income families more often fall back to lower level of education

In the school year 2004/’05, more than185 thousand new pupils were registered in secondary education. Three years later, nearly 26 thousand of them attended the middle management vocational track...


Hospital admissions affect drop-out rate vwo pupils

Vwo (pre-university education) pupils who were admitted in hospital once or more run a greater risk to leave secondary education without a regular diploma than vwo pupils who were never admitted in...


International education predominantly funded with parental contributions

International education in the Netherlands is much more expensive than regular education and is largely funded with parental contributions.


Number of primary school pupils drops sharply in Limburg

The number of children enrolled in primary schools in the south of the Netherlands, especially in the province of Limburg, fell substantially between 2000/’01 and 2008/’09. This was partly the result...


Youngsters staying in school longer

More and more students are staying in or returning to full-time education even when they are no longer obliged to. This is mainly the result of the popularity of higher education.


Private sector invests 1.7 billion euro in vocational education

In 2006, the public sector spent 1.7 billion euro (5 percent of total spending on education and 0.3 percent of the GDP) on apprenticeship training programmes and other combinations of education and...


Number of special needs pupils almost doubled

In the school year 2007/’08, 65 thousand pupils attended schools for children with handicaps and/or disorders. The number has almost doubled relative to the school year 1995/’96. The majority of...


Number of underprivileged pupils in primary education reduced by half

The number of underprivileged pupils in primary education has been reduced by half since the school year 1995/’96. In 2007/’08, nearly 280 thousand underprivileged pupils attended Dutch primary...


Disregarding Cito advice often leads to switch to different level in second year

Nearly 13 percent of pupils who took the final primary education test (Cito test) in 2005 continue their education at a higher level in the so-called brugklas (which aims to bridge the gap between...


School/work combination also popular at older ages

Nearly 30 percent of students in senior secondary vocational education (mbo) combine learning and working in the apprenticeship-based learning track (bbl).
