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Population dynamics; month and year
Population dynamics Periods
Lower population growth in 2024
The population of the Netherlands grew by an estimated 103 thousand people in 2024, reaching a total of over 18.05 million.
Population in the future
Dutch population forecast, number of inhabitants in the Netherlands in the future
Population counter
The population counter shows the current estimated number of inhabitants in the Netherlands.
Mortality; key figures
Mortality: key figures by sex. Including figures on infant mortality, perinatal mortality and life expectancy at birth
Population growth in first three quarters lower than in 2023
The population of the Netherlands grew by 85.3 thousand in the first three quarters of 2024.
Population of the Netherlands reaches 18 million
The population of the Netherlands will pass 18 million today, according to estimates
Population growth slows in first half of 2024
The population of the Netherlands grew by 39.0 thousand in the first half of 2024.
Population; key figures
Population: key figures by sex, marital status, age, country of origin, households and population growth
Population Outlook 2050: more residents born outside the Netherlands
The number of people living in the Netherlands who were born elsewhere is very likely to increase between now and 2050.
Population Outlook 2050: an older and better educated population
The number of older people in the Netherlands will increase in the future, regardless of the scale of migration.
Population of the Caribbean Netherlands up by nearly a thousand in 2023
On 1 January 2024, the population of the Caribbean Netherlands stood at 30,397.
Caribbean Netherlands; population, sex, age and country of birth
Population on 1 January sex, age and country of birth
Caribbean Netherlands; population, births, deaths, migration
Population growth Caribbean Netherlands, population, births, deaths, migration
Caribbean Netherlands; population; sex, age, marital status
Population Caribbean Netherlands sex, age, marital status
Population growth slower in 2023
In 2023, the population of the Netherlands is estimated to have grown by 140 thousand to 17.9 million. This is a slower growth rate than in 2022, when 227 thousand people were added.
Birth; key figures
Key figures on birth by sex, birth order or marital status of the mother. Including figures on stillborn children and multiple births
Population up by 27.4 thousand in the first quarter
In the first quarter of 2023, the population of the Netherlands grew by 27.4 thousand. The increase was entirely due to immigration; there were more deaths than births.
Population of the Caribbean Netherlands up by nearly 1.7 thousand in 2022
On 1 January 2023, the population of the Caribbean Netherlands stood at 29,418.
Population growth almost doubled in 2022
The population of the Netherlands is estimated to have increased by almost 227 thousand last year, to over 17.8 million. The increase is almost double compared to 2021, when 115 thousand inhabitants...
Population up to 17.8 million, mainly due to migration
Over the first three quarters of 2022, the population of the Netherlands grew by 191 thousand.