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59 results for keyword:electricity
59 results for keyword:electricity

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Resilience: systems

How prepared is the Netherlands to withstand such a major shock in the short-term?


Average energy prices for consumers

Average energy prices for consumers Natural gas, electricity


Electrification in the Netherlands 2017–2021

This note aims to provide data that may help to quantify electrification in the Netherlands from 2017 - 2021 for the most releant technologies currently being used: heat pumps and electric cars


More electricity from renewable sources, less from fossil sources

In 2021, electricity production declined by 2.2 billion kWh year on year, to 117.9 billion kWh.


Electricity production hits record level in 2020

In 2020, net electricity production was 1.3 billion kWh higher than in 2019, reaching the highest level ever measured.


Electricity production 14 percent up in Q3

In Q3 2020, net electricity production was 3.8 billion kWh higher than in Q3 2019.


Wind energy; electricity production, capacity and supply of wind, 2002-2019

Production of electricity, capacity and supply of wind On land/ off shore


More wind and solar electricity

In 2017, nearly 60 percent of renewable electricity production originated from wind power, 13 percent from solar power.


Less production, more consumption of gas in 2016

Energy consumption rose by 2 percent in 2016 to 3,131 petajoules.


Less coal used in production of electricity

In 2016, power stations consumed less coal for the first time since 2011. Coal consumption was 10 percent down on 2015.


More electricity generated to meet higher foreign demand

After a 3-year period of decline, the production of electrical energy grew by 2 percent last year to 103 billion kWh. The increase is predominantly due to a higher foreign demand.


Wind most important source of renewable electricity

For the first time, wind is the main energy source for renewable electricity. In 2014, wind turbine-generated electricity was approximately 8 percent up from 2013. At the same time, electricity...


Electricity use 16 times as high as in 1950

Electricity consumption in the Netherlands rose from just over 7 billion kWh in 1950 to 119 billion kWh in 2013, an average increase of 4.5 percent per year. Until 2008, electricity consumption only...


Private sector companies have to pay higher prices for natural gas

The natural gas price for private sector companies was raised considerably over the last three years. Companies with a small to medium-sized consumption level faced the most substantial price...


No increase share renewable energy in 2013

Last year, 4.5 percent of total Dutch energy consumption was generated by means of renewable energy sources, i.e. the same as in 2012.


Electricity production dramatically down

Last year, 102 billion kWh of electricity were generated in the Netherlands, nearly 10 percent down from one year previously, but the level of imports and exports of electricity was higher than ever...


More renewable electricity generated

Last year, 12.2 billion kWh of renewable electricity was generated, i.e. more than 10 percent of total electricity consumption in the Netherlands and just above the production level in 2011.


Less electricity produced

Total electricity production in the Netherlands amounted to 113 billion kWh in 2011. This is 4 percent less than in the previous year. In the four preceding years, electricity production had risen...


Mild winter and economic crisis curb greenhouse gas emissions

Greenhouse gas emissions in the Netherlands were more than 6.5 percent lower in 2011 than in 2010. This was caused by a decrease in energy consumption of nearly 7 percent.


Large-scale users pay least for energy

Dutch households had to pay 6 percent more for electricity in the first quarter of 2012, while for large-scale business users prices fell in the same period. The price of natural gas has risen by...


Electricity imports at record level

At the same time production at gas-fired electricity plants was at its lowest level of the last ten years.


More renewable energy used

The share of renewable energy in total energy consumption increased from 3.8 percent in 2010 to 4.2 percent in 2011. The reason for the increase is twofold: the consumption of renewable energy...


Stable production of renewable electricity

In 2011 wind energy, hydro power, solar power and biomass produced 12 billion kWh of electricity. This is almost 10 percent of the Dutch consumption of electricity and close to the production in 2010.


Electricity production hits new record

Electricity production in the Netherlands amounted to 118 billion KWh in 2010. This is 4 percent more than in 2009.
