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86 results for keyword:education
86 results for keyword:education

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SDG 4 Quality education

Recent data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 Quality education. SDG 4 stresses the importance of high quality and accessible education for all age groups and in all stages of life: from...


Fact sheet International schools

A fact sheet on the expenditure by households and foreign governments on international primary and secondary schools (private schools) in the Netherlands, and the number of students and school staff...


Increase in share of status holders in education after 5 years

Among those with a temporary asylum residence permit (known as status holders) who were granted residency in 2017 and 2018, 38 percent were in education five years later.


Report on Integration and Society, 2022

The Report on Integration and Society (Rapportage Integratie en Samenleven) describes how groups of different origins relate to the average of the Dutch population.


The Annual Report Youth Monitor 2022

The Annual Report Youth Monitor 2021 Summary presents an outline of the living situation of young people in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, including those in the Caribbean Netherlands.


Young people relatively often choose secondary vocational education

After secondary education, young people up to the age of 25 are more likely to attend secondary vocational education (MBO) than higher vocational education (HBO) or university (WO).


Annual Report Youth Monitor 2020 Summary

This Annual Report Youth Monitor 2020 Summary explores the situation of young people in the Kingdom of the Netherlands.


Status holders overrepresented in job-oriented practical training

Of all 12 to 17-year-old asylum status holders who received a residence permit in 2014, 15 percent were enrolled in labour-oriented practical training (PRO, praktijkonderwijs) on 1 October 2018.


Annual Report Youth Monitor 2019 Summary

This Annual Report Youth Monitor 2019 Summary explores the situation of young people in the Kingdom of the Netherlands.


Fact sheet International schools

Expenditure by households and foreign governments on international primary and secondary schools in the Netherlands, and the number of students and school staff in the period 2007-2017*.


Annual Report Youth Monitor 2018 Summary

This Annual Report Youth Monitor 2018 Summary explores the situation of young people in the Kingdom of the Netherlands.


Leiden’s educational opportunities into clear focus

The UDC Leiden studied how many children attending primary school and living in Leiden have an elevated risk of educational disadvantage.


Education and labour market in the security domain

Report on employed persons in security related occupations, students enrolled in security related programmes and their labour market prospects. This study was commissioned by The Hague Security Delta.


Annual Report Youth Monitor 2017 Summary

Annual Report Youth Monitor 2016 Summary


CBS, The Hague University of Applied Sciences work on big data

In September 2016, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) established the Center for Big Data Statistics (CBDS).


Annual Report Youth Monitor 2016 Summary

Annual Report Youth Monitor 2016 Summary


Migration background still plays a role

The Annual Report on Integration 2016 gives an overview of various population groups with a migrant background.


Slightly more children diagnosed with dyslexia

The percentage of children suffering from dyslexia has risen slightly since 2001.


Smart Services Campus Heerlen: breeding ground for new productivity and innovations

Monday 12 September marked the launch of the Brightlands Smart Services Campus in Heerlen.


Most EU targets not yet achieved by the Netherlands

percentage of people who have successfully completed tertiary-level education


Number of residents from Central and Eastern Europe up by 11 percent

Last year, the number of citizens from Central and Eastern Europe in the Netherlands increased from 160 thousand to 177 thousand. Another 75 thousand CEE citizens are estimated to work in the...


Research satellite account culture and creative industry (Dutch only)

Report about the possibility to set up a satellite account on culture en creative industry. Commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.


Unemployment continues to grow

According to the most recent figures released by Statistics Netherlands, unemployment adjusted for seasonal variation grew by 19 thousand in July to reach 694 thousand.


Many strike days in 2012

Last year, 219 thousand working days were lost in the Netherlands, the highest number since 2002.


Youth unemployment up

In the second quarter of this year, 108 thousand young people in the age category 15-25 were un employed, an increase by 26 thousand from one year previously. The unemployment rate is particularly...
