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3361 results for institutional confidence
3361 results for institutional confidence

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Business confidence remains negative despite slight improvement

There has been a slight improvement in business confidence, which was -7.7 at the start of Q4 2024.


Business confidence slightly lower at the start of Q4

Entrepreneurial confidence showed a slight decline at the start of Q4 2023, ending at -10.1.


Health care institutions; key figures, finance and personnel

Profit/loss account, balance sheet, personnel, self-employed, hospitals, mental health hospitals, residential care for children


Business confidence negative in Q3, as in the preceding quarters

At the start of Q3 2023, entrepreneurial confidence stood at -8.3. It was at virtually the same position three months previously (according to a new calculation method)


SDG 16.2 Institutions

Recent data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16.2 Peace, justice and strong institutions: institutions. SDG 16.2 relates to institutions such as the House of Representatives, the police, the...


Business confidence; to sector/branches

Business confidence Sector/branches, confidence margins


Business confidence; to regions

Business confidence Business confidence to regions, confidence margins


Producer confidence; sentiment indicator manufacturing industry, branches

Producer confidence and components activity, order books, stocks and branches


Business confidence slightly up in Q2 2023

In Q2 2023, business confidence rose to 7.5. This means the sentiment indicator is positive for the second quarter in a row. Business confidence is positive in most industries


Confidence improving among manufacturers

In April, Dutch manufacturers were less negative than they were in March.


Business confidence slightly less negative once again

There has been another slight improvement in business confidence, which stood at -6.0 at the start of Q2 2024.


CBS switches to new method for measuring business confidence

From July 2023, CBS will use a new method to measure business confidence based on the results of the Netherlands Business Survey (COEN).


Structural Time Series Models for Consumer Confidence indicators

A time series model to improve the accuracy of estimates about consumer confidence


Business confidence; sector/branches

Business Confidence to sector/branches


Confidence among manufacturers continues to improve

Dutch manufacturers were less negative in June than they were in May.


Confidence among manufacturers is improving again

Dutch manufacturers were less negative in May than they were in April.


Producer confidence continues to decline

Producer confidence among Dutch manufacturers was down in June 2023.


Consumer Confidence Survey during COVID-19

Methodological description of the Consumer Confidence Survey during the Corona crisis.


Consumer confidence, economic climate and willingness to buy

Attitudes and expectations of consumers, (seasonally) adjusted, on the general economic situation and their own financial situation


Consumer confidence, economic climate and willingness to buy: non adjusted

Attitudes and expectation of consumers, non-adjusted, on the general economic climate and their own financial situation


Business confidence up in Q1 2023

At the start of Q1 2023, entrepreneurial confidence increased from slightly negative to positive (6.4).


Producer confidence slightly up

Confidence among Dutch manufacturers has improved in March 2023.


Producer confidence negative

The mood among Dutch manufacturers was negative in August.


Producer confidence hardly changed

Producer confidence among Dutch manufacturers has hardly changed in February 2023.


Business confidence slightly negative in Q4 2022

At the start of Q4 2022, entrepreneurial confidence was negative for the first time since early 2021.
