Internationalisation Monitor 2024, second edition – Inclusivity

In this internationalisation monitor we highlight Dutch international trade in the context of inclusivity. We analyse a number of aspects such as inclusion among employees and directors to provide an overview of the current state and benefits of inclusive business operations.

Globalisation has brought many benefits to the Netherlands. This includes jobs, affordable products and higher productivity. There are also countless advantages for firms that operate across the border: a larger sales market, knowledge and innovation. However, there are also signs that not everyone gains equally from the benefits that internationalisation offers, including through shifting employment and pressure on wages. A lot of research on the benefits of globalisation takes place in the field of firms, and here we go a step further by also looking at the people behind the firms. In this edition of the Internationalisation Monitor we discuss inclusivity in the context of internationalisation: how inclusive are firms that operate across borders in terms of employees and directors? What are the internationalisation and sustainability benefits for firms when the board of directors is more diverse? And are women as involved in international trade and investments as men? Are they rewarded equally in export-related jobs?

The Internationalisation Monitor describes trends in internationalisation and their consequences for the Dutch economy and society. It is published three times per year as part of CBS’ Globalisation development and publication programme, which is commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The aim of the research programme on Globalisation is to arrive at new insights in the field of globalisation in order to contribute to practices, policymaking and science. At the core of this approach is the integration of a wide range of sources and already available microdata, combined with the application of advanced statistical methods such as I/O analysis. The ensuing results, i.e. newly developed statistics and accompanying analyses, are published in the Internationalisation Monitor.