Trends in well-being in the Netherlands in terms of the economy, the environment and society, and Dutch progress towards achieving the United Nations’ SDGs.
The Monitor examines well-being not only ‘here and now’, but also the extent to which the pursuit of well-being in the Netherlands impacts on future generations (well-being ‘later’) and on other countries (well-being ‘elsewhere’). The Monitor also presents an analysis of how well-being is distributed over certain groups in the population. In this edition for the first time Dutch well-being is analysed in terms of how resilient it is in the face of unexpected events.
The publication also describes how well-being is developing in the light of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For each indicator a trend is shown in terms achievement of the target, and the ranking of the Netherlands in the EU. In addition there is an analysis of synergies and trade-offs within en between the SDGs.