Environmental Accounts of the Netherlands 2009

What was the impact of the financial and economic crisis on the environment? What is the share of the green economy? Has the Dutch carbon footprint increased over time? Do wealthy households pollute more than poorer households? Is decoupling between on the one hand energy use, water use, waste supply, emissions to air and water, and on the other hand, economic growth, still occurring? Is it feasible to compile quarterly air emission accounts? The report ‘Environmental Accounts of the Netherlands 2009’ provides answers to these and many other questions. Environmental accounts bring together economic and environmental information in a common framework to measure the contribution of the environment to the economy and the impact of the economy on the environment. This annual publication – now for the first time in English – targets a wide audience of statisticians, policy makers and researchers, with an interest in measuring sustainable development, wealth accounting, material flows, resource productivity, and climate change.
Environmental Accounts of the Netherlands 2009
- PDF - 2009-c174-pub