Figures on the investment climate in the Netherlands 2008
This publication is an English-language, abridged version of the Dutch-language publication ‘Het Nederlandse ondernemingsklimaat in cijfers 2008’ that aims at presenting an adequate account of the investment climate in the Netherlands. Emphasis is placed on those factors which according to economic theory contribute to economic growth and a healthy investment climate and that can be influenced by governments. A sound investment climate is extremely important at a time when it is becoming constantly easier for entrepreneurs to operate in the international dimension and when established economies – such as the Netherlands – are being faced with more direct competition from emerging new economies when attracting new investors. The study sets out the economic performance and the related investment climates of twenty nations on the basis of some hundred indicators, focusing mainly on the situation in the Netherlands. The analysis is based on the most recent and reliable internationally-comparable figures.
It can be concluded that the Netherlands ranks as “average” to “good” on many aspects of the investment climate. This applies especially with respect to the preconditions for economic growth, such as the macroeconomic conditions and functioning of the apparatus of government. On innovation – which is crucial for the development of productivity and ultimately economic growth – the Netherlands scores less than most other countries. The opportunities that markets and newly developed knowledge offer seem to not be fully utilized in the Netherlands. This new monitor shows that entrepreneurship in the Netherlands has improved. The share of entrepreneurs in the labour force has risen, and also the number of persons that has recently started a company or is in the process of doing so, has grown.