National accounts of the Netherlands 2003

National accounts of the Netherlands 2003

The national accounts represent the official statistical review of the national economy.
Concepts and classifications of the national accounts are standardised at the world level and are laid down in international guidelines.

In these publications contains:

  • supply, use and final expenditure
  • supply and use table 2001
  • imports and exports
  • consumption
  • capital formation
  • output, consumption and generation of income
    • input output table 2001
    • output, intermediate consumption, value added
    • taxes
    • compensation of employees
    • operating surplus
    • labour
    • sector accounts
      • total economy
      • non–financial and financial corporations
      • general government
      • households and NPI households
      • rest of the world
      • transaction-matrices and financial balance sheets
      • detail data of:
        • taxes and subsidies
        • social contributions and –benefits
        • transfers, etc.
        • historical data
        • NAM, SAM, NAMEA, substance flows
        • explanations and annexes
        • The National accounts of the Netherlands 2003 and the Nationale rekeningen 2003 are publised yearly.

          Key figure: P-22
          ISBN 90-357-2479- 8
          Price: € 43.60 (excl. postage and handling)

          The publication is obtainable from the Sales Department.