Student Survey

© © Z.ePhotography
The Student Survey is a study of young people’s living conditions in the Caribbean Netherlands. Statistics Netherlands (CBS) is conducting this study in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS). This study sets out to collect information on aspects of young people’s lives such as their home situation, how happy and healthy they are and what they would like to do when they leave school. 

How do I participate?

If you are invited to participate in this study, you will receive a letter at school asking you to complete an online questionnaire in class. This letter will contain your username and password.

In the case of children below the age of 16, CBS always seeks permission in advance from parents or caregivers. Once parents or caregivers have given permission, they do not have to do anything else. Parents or caregivers who do not wish to give permission are invited to contact us. 

What is this research for?

The aim of the study is to build a clear picture of the lives of young people in the Caribbean Netherlands. What is life like for them? How do they feel about their situation? In order to answer these questions we are looking at a range of aspects, including who the young people live with, what they think of their neighbourhood, what they do in their free time, whether they exercise, whether they eat fruit and vegetables, whether they help out at home and what they want to do in the future. The information produced by this research can be used to develop youth policies on the islands.

Why have I been selected?

This study is being conducted in association with secondary schools and senior secondary vocational colleges on the islands of Bonaire, Saba and St Eustatius. CBS is inviting all pupils and students up to the age of 17 (on the reference date of 30 September 2024) at these schools to contribute to the study. So we can build an accurate picture of what life is like as a young person in the Caribbean Netherlands. Your participation is very important. 

Your data are safe

CBS will handle your data with care. Your personal data will not be linked to your answers. You can read about how we handle your data on the following web page: Privacy.


Do you want to contact CBS? Feel free to call our office on Bonaire. The telephone number is +599 717 8676. We can be reached Monday to Friday between 09:00 and 17:00 hours. You can also send an e-mail to

Has someone from CBS visited or called you?

If a CBS employee has come to the door or called you, you can find out more at: Statistics Netherland will never just show up at your door.

© © Z.ePhotography

Investigashon di Alumno

E Investigashon di Alumno ta un investigashon di e situashon di biba di hóben na Hulanda Karibense. Ofisina Sentral di Estadístika (CBS) ta ehekutá esaki den koperashon ku Ministerio di Salubridat, Bienestar i Deporte. Ku e investigashon aki nos ta reuní i klasifiká entre otro kon e situashon di biba di hóben ta mustra, kon salú i felis nan ta i kiko nan lo ke hasi mas tantu despues di haña nan diploma.

Kon mi ta partisipá?

Si invitá bo pa e investigashon aki, na skol bo ta risibí un karta den kua nos ta pidi bo pa den klas via internèt yena un lista di pregunta. Den e karta ei tin pará bo nòmber di usadó i bo kontraseña.
Serka mucha bou di 16 aña di edat CBS semper promé ta pidi pèrmit di e mayornan òf kuidadónan. Mayornan òf kuidadónan ku duna pèrmit, no tin nodi di hasi nada mas aleu. Mayornan òf kuidadónan ku no duna pèrmit, por tuma kontakto ku nos.

Pakiko e investigashon aki?

E meta di e investigashon ta pa haña un imágen di e bida di hóben na Hulanda Karibense. Kon e bida di e hóbennan ta mustra? I kiko nan ta pensa di nan situashon di bida? Pa duna kontesta riba e preguntanan aki nos ta investigá entre otro serka òf ku ken e hóbennan ta biba, kiko nan ta haña di nan bario, kiko nan ta hasi den nan tempu liber, si nan ta hasi deporte, si nan ta kome bèrdura i fruta, si nan ta yuda hasi trabou di kas i kiko nan ke hasi den futuro. Pa medio di investigá esaki nos ta kolektá informashon ku por usa pa e desaroyo di maneho di hubentut na e diferente islanan.

Pakiko a skohe ami?

Ta hasi e investigashon aki ku e koperashon di e enseñansa sekundario i enseñansa profeshonal sekundario na Boneiru, Saba i Sint Eustatius. CBS ta pidi tur alumno i studiante di e skolnan aki, te ku edat di 17 aña pa partisipá na e investigashon. Pa asina haña un imágen konfiabel di e situashon di biba di hóben na Hulanda Karibense. P’esei bo partisipashon ta masha importante.

Bo datonan ta seif

CBS ta trata bo datonan kuidadosamente. Ta parti bo datonan personal for di bo kontestanan. Kon nos ta trata bo datonan bo por lesa riba e página di web: Privacy


Bo ke tuma kontakto ku CBS? Yama nos ofisina na Boneiru libramente. E number di telefòn ta +599 717 8676. Nos ta alkansabel di djaluna te ku djabièrnè entre 9.00 or i 17.00 or. Bo por manda un e-meil tambe pa

Un kolaboradó di CBS na bo porta òf na telefòn?

Bo a risibí bishita di un kolaboradó di CBS? Klek e ora ei riba: Statistics Netherlands will never just show up at your door.