Social Cohesion

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) seeks answers to these kinds of questions. We do this by conducting the Social Cohesion (Sociale Samenhang) survey. With this survey we collect figures on, for example, life satisfaction, social contacts, voluntary work and trust in the government. These figures help the government make informed decisions about our society.
To read the invitation letter in English, click here: Invitation letter Social Cohesion (ENG).
How to participate
Have you received an invitation to take part in this survey? You can take part directly with your username and password from the first letter you received. Click on: Social Cohesion. The questionnaire is available in Dutch and English.Do you want to know more first? Then read on.
Why this survey?
This survey aims to provide insights into voluntary work, social contacts, leisure time, life satisfaction, health and trust in politics. To collect data on these topics, we ask a number of people to fill in a questionnaire. We would like for you to help us. This way, we can obtain vital information; information that will be used to reach new policy decisions that will affect us all.Why you have been selected
CBS has randomly selected a small number of people from the Personal Records Database (BRP). The BRP contains the names and addresses of all residents of the Netherlands. The addresses of the people we approach are spread throughout the Netherlands. Not every resident can be involved in this survey. That is why your participation is so important: you represent a large number of other people in the Netherlands.Your information is safe
CBS handles your information with the utmost care. Your personal details are immediately separated from your answers. You can read how we handle your information on the web page: Privacy.Reward
By completing the Social Cohesion (Sociale Samenhang) questionnaire, you may receive one of 9 available iPads or VVV gift cards worth € 400,-. If you respond online, you will immediately see whether you are one of the lucky ones. If the interview was conducted by a CBS employee, he or she will let you know at the end of the interview whether you get something. You will be contacted soon afterwards so the iPad or VVV gift cards can be sent to you. The letter you received from CBS states the date up to which you can participate in this survey. Do you not want to receive an iPad or VVV gift cards? You can indicate this in the questionnaire.
The lucky ones are selected totally at random. This means that no specific personal characteristics are taken into account during the lucky draw. Do you want to know more about the general reward policy at CBS? Click on: Rewards.
To contact CBS, please click on: CBS Contact Center.