National Accounts Caribbean Netherlands

What is the economic growth of the Caribbean Netherlands? Has the industry in which you as a company are active grown or declined? To answer these and other questions, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) collects data on the financial situation of the Caribbean Netherlands. Your data are indispensable for this.
The data from this survey are used to measure gross domestic product (GDP). GDP is part of the national accounts. The accounts are used for making financial/economic policies in the Caribbean Netherlands. These accounts may also be important for your business.
Submission of data
Have you been invited to submit data? You can fill in the data via a secure internet connection and submit them to us. To open the online questionnaire, go to
The user name (gebruikersnaam) and password (wachtwoord) are stated in the letters you have received. If you have lost your login details, you can request a new username and/or password.
The webpage contains data on companies, numbers of companies by industry and region, turnover figures, and the latest survey results on expected turnover, employment and investment. The button in the top right corner allows you to switch to the English translation of the dossier.
The webpage additional statistical services provides access to more data on surveys related to the Caribbean Netherlands.
The results of this survey can be found on StatLine (only available in Dutch).
Feel free to call our office on Bonaire at +599 717 8676. You can reach us from Monday to Friday between 08:00 and 17:00 AST. You can also send an email to