COEN Business Survey Netherlands

The Business Survey Netherlands (COEN) presents the mood among Dutch entrepreneurs. Every month, entrepreneurs complete a survey about the developments in recent months and the expectations for the coming months. The survey includes topics such as turnover, production, capacity utilization, orders, price developments, inventories, staff size and investments. In some cases, the survey also includes additional questions responding to recent economic developments in the Netherlands and the world.
This survey is carried out monthly on behalf of the European Commission. Once every quarter, the survey is more comprehensive and sent out to a higher number of entrepreneurs, resulting in more detailed information. Statistics Netherlands (CBS) conducts the quarterly survey in collaboration with MKB Nederland (Small & Medium Sized Enterprises the Netherlands), VNO-NCW (Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers), the EIB (Economic Institute for the Construction Industry) and the KVK.
Submission of data
You can enter data and send them to us via a secure internet connection. To open the internet questionnaire, go to
The letter or email you have received contains the required user name (gebruikersnaam) and password (wachtwoord) . Have you lost the login codes? You can request a new user name and/or a password.
The COEN report containing the Business confidence is published every quarter on Ondernemersplein (only available in Dutch). In addition, Statistics Netherlands publishes the Producer confidence in manufacturing, for the business community based on the Business survey figures. Keep an eye on the publication schedule for this.
The results of additional questions and investment questions (March and November) are published on the following pages (only available in Dutch):
Statistics Netherlands publishes the Business confidence from 15 August 2023 according to a new method. The figures have been put back to January 2012. More information about this can be found at. CBS switches to new method for measuring business confidence.
At the top right (under ‘Go to’) is a dashboard with the most up-to-date data about companies, such as the number of companies by industry and region, figures on turnover, and the latest survey results on expected turnover, employment and investments (only available in Dutch).
Statline (only available in Dutch)
- Business survey Netherlands; sector/branches
- Business survey Netherlands; size classes
- Business survey Netherlands; regions
- Business confidence; sector/branches
- Business confidence; regions
- Employment indicator; sector/branches
- Producer confidence
Contact Center
Are you looking for information about completing the Business survey? Go to: CBS Contactcenter.