Making an objection

Do you wish to object to an enforcement decision made by CBS?
Companies and organisations are obliged to participate in surveys. In many cases they oblige immediately, but it may happen that they do not comply. In such cases, CBS has no other choice but to start a process of enforcement. Businesses and organisations can submit an objection to enforcement decisions in writing, either by letter or by email..
CBS’ independent objections advisory committee will deal with the lodged objections. It turns out that a number of grounds for objection and requests for leniency are common. Some common grounds and requests for leniency are mentioned and explained in this leaflet (Dutch only). We advise you to study that information carefully before lodging an objection or request for leniency.
The submission of an objection is subject to a number of requirements. You should submit your objection to the Director General of Statistics. The deadline for submitting an objection is six weeks. That period shall begin on the day following the date of the decision against which the objection is raised.
The notice of objection must be drawn up in Dutch, signed and contain at least the following information:
- name and address of the submitter;
- date of signature;
- a clear description of the decision against which the objection or appeal is directed (or a copy of the enforcement decision);
- the grounds for the objection or appeal;
- a power of attorney, if the objection is not filed by the interested party, but by someone else on his/her behalf.
The objection can be sent to the following address:
De Directeur-Generaal van de Statistiek
t.a.v. de secretaris van de Commissie bezwaarschriften Handhaving CBS
Postbus 24500
2490 HA Den Haag