Unique collaboration for big data research

The CBDS is dedicated to acquiring (new) data sources and studies the quality of these sources. The centre researches data science methods and serves as an education centre for data scientists. In addition, it actively pursues collaboration with various partners including ministries, private enterprises, universities and knowledge institutions. Furthermore, the CBDS accumulates knowledge about Artificial Intelligence and Privacy Preserving Data Sharing techniques.
Research activities undertaken by the CBDS are focused on, for example, satellite data, social media data and sensor data. The methods applied in these studies include supervised and unsupervised machine learning, deep learning and text mining.
At a later stage, this will allow statistics to be produced in ‘real time’, which will enhance their relevance and applicability in policy and decision-making processes at enterprises and public authorities; for instance, to achieve more efficient matching of supply and demand in the labour market, renewable energy for smart-grid systems, or organising elderly care; or creating new indicators by using a combination of sources, e.g. sample data combined with register data and new data sources, in order to arrive at new insights. This can be done not only at the national level but certainly also at the local or regional level.
Finally, by using new data sources, the CBDS aims to reduce the administrative burden (of completing questionnaires) on companies and individuals. The ultimate goal is to implement these experimental statistics in the official statistical output.