Hospital readmission ratio models 2016
Unlike previous year, two models have been produced: a model for readmissions within the same hospital (intra-hospital model), and a model that also includes readmissions in other hospitals (inter-hospital model).
Excel files ‘coefficients intra-hospital model.xlsx’ and ‘coefficients inter-hospital model.xlsx’ contain per diagnosis group the coefficients and standard errors of the models.
The variables used in the readmission models are the same as used in the model for the Hospital Standardised Mortality Ratio (HSMR), published by Statistics Netherlands, see file ‘Classification of variables HSMR 2016’ and ‘HSMR methodological report 2016’ in the link underneath.
- PDF PDF - Hospital readmission ratio models 2016
- Excel Table - Coefficients Inter Hospital model 2016
- Excel Table - Coefficients Inter Hospital model 2016
Related items
- Link Methodological report - HSMR 2016