Government Finance Statistics and the Enhanced Economic Governance package (Sixpack)

The Enhanced Economic Governance package, adopted in 2011 by the European Council, describes a set of European legislative measures to introduce greater macroeconomic surveillance and to reform the Stability and Growth Pact. This package of five regulations and one directive is often referred to as Sixpack.

Directive EU-2011/85 requires the adoption of measures for the collection and dissemination of fiscal data in member countries. Statistics Netherlands carries out this obligation and publishes the requested statistics on its website. The directive comprises the following specifications:

Revenue and expenditure of central government, social security funds and local government according to the Sixpack Directive are not directly comparable to quarterly and yearly information in the National Accounts.
For the purpose of transparency and by way of explanation, a detailed reconciliation table is published with a description of sources and methodology of transition between administrative monthly and quarterly information according to the Sixpack Directive and the quarterly and yearly information in the National Accounts.