Survey of international goods trade Caribbean Netherlands
What does the survey comprise?
The publication of data on the foreign trade of goods of Bonaire, Saba and St Eustatius. Statistics Netherlands has been conducting this survey since 10 October 2010, when the islands Bonaire, Saba and St Eustatius became public bodies of the Netherlands.
Target population
The various trade flows and categories of goods entering and leaving Bonaire, Saba and St Eustatius. The population of the international trade statistics consists of all companies on Bonaire, Saba and St Eustatius with a CRIB number whose activities include foreign trade.
Statistical unit
Statistical unit: companies in Bonaire, Saba and St Eustatius with a CRIB number involved in foreign trade.
Year survey started
The current International Trade Statistics of the Caribbean Netherlands publishes data available from the third quarter of 2011 for imports and exports of Bonaire, fourth quarter of 2011 for imports of St Eustatius, the first quarter of 2012 for imports of Saba and the second quarter of 2012 for exports of Saba and St Eustatius. The different starting dates are the result of differences in the start of the observation on the islands.
The frequency of reporting is quarterly.
Publication strategy
The quarterly figures are provisional when first published. These provisional figures are adjusted approximately six months after the quarter under review. In the third quarter of the current year, figures of the previous year become definite and the definite year figure becomes available on StatLine.
How is the survey conducted?
Survey type
The data are based on customs records.
Survey method
Companies on the islands declare their imports and exports of goods directly to the customs authorities. Statistics Netherlands receives the declarations on a quarterly basis.
Sample size
All companies that trade with other countries are required to submit data for the international trade statistics.
As a result of confidentiality regulations, certain import and export data may not be published or may only be published in part, for example if data are of an individual nature and publication may seriously harm the interests of a company. For international trade statistics, passive confidentiality regulations apply; this means that companies must apply to Statistics Netherlands to request that their data remain undisclosed.
Companies in Bonaire, Saba and St Eustatius with a CRIB number that declare imports and exports of goods to customs authorities.
Checking and correction methods
Checking and correction takes place with respect to the significance of the submitted declarations. Time series are used for plausibility checks. If doubts arise about plausibility, more detailed checks are carried out.
Quality of the results
The level of accuracy is determined by:
• comparison of the results with the results of partner countries (asymmetries)
• validation through external sources.
Sequential comparability
As a rule, quarterly data are compared with quarterly data from the previous year (t-1).
Quality strategy
To make the figures as reliable as possible, all discrepancies are investigated and the control system is optimised.
The figures on international trade of Bonaire, Saba and St Eustatius are subject to adjustment when new or updated sources become available. The figures are therefore provisional when they are first published. These provisional figures are adjusted approximately six months after the quarter under review.