Renewable energy

Survey characteristics


To obtain an overview of renewable energy in the Netherlands.

Target population

All installations that produce and/or use renewable energy.

Statistical unit


First year of survey



Renewable electricity on a monthly basis.

Publication strategy

Provisional figures on renewable electricity over the previous year are published in March. Provisional (more detailed) figures on total renewable energy produced and consumed over the previous year are published at the beginning of June at the latest, with information on the underlying technologies. An adjustment of the previous year's figures follows in November, and the final figures for that year are published in the following year. All figures are published via StatLine. Newsworthy figures, in any case the provisional figures, are also published on the internet on the home page of Statistics Netherlands. A time-series report with more detailed provisional figures over the previous year, an explanation of the most significant changes, comparisons with other European countries and a detailed methodological justification is published at the end of the summer period.

How is the survey carried out?

Survey type

Renewable energy is used via various combinations of energy sources (such as wind and biomass) and techniques (such as wind turbines and wood-burning stoves). The type of survey depends on the combination of source and technique. Where possible, administrative sources and/or information from other Statistics Netherlands surveys are used. Major examples are the administration of VertiCer’s certificates for Guarantees of Origin for green electricity, the Dutch Emissions Authority’s data on biofuels, the CERES register for solar power installations from grid operators and Statistics Netherlands’ surveys of production, conversion and use of energy which are primarily used for the electricity and energy balance sheets. For solar thermal energy, heat pumps and wood boilers and stoves with a capacity of more than 18 kW, the suppliers of the related renewable energy systems are contacted. For some techniques key figures are used to deduce target variables which are hard to monitor (e.g. renewable energy production by a large number of small installations) from variables which are more easily monitored (e.g. the capacity of installations). These key figures are set in the Protocol Monitoring Renewable Energy (*. The annual report Renewable energy in the Netherlands* describes the details of the survey method for each technology. (*both only available in Dutch).

Data collection method

Use of administrative sources and surveys.


Administration operators and suppliers of renewable energy systems.

Scope of sample survey

All suppliers of renewable energy systems receive a questionnaire. Depending on the type of system, in most cases a few dozen suppliers at the most are involved.

Error detection and correction methods

If possible, independent sources of information are used for reference purposes. The main sources are government annual environmental reports and grant decisions. In addition, questionnaires are assessed for internal consistency by checking the conversion efficiencies and by comparing them with previous years. In the case of unexpected changes that influence the aggregated results, the data supplier is asked for confirmation. At the aggregate level, and professional organisations are consulted, particularly if large inaccuracies are suspected.


Renewable energy statistics are based on complete administrative sources and census surveys of small populations. Non-response is corrected by imputation using information from preceding years.

What is the quality of the results?

Data accuracy

The level of accuracy depends on the technique. In the Renewable energy in the Netherlands report the accuracy is quantified for each technology.

Sequential comparability

The data collection method has been changed several times since the start of the survey. However, breaks in time series are corrected as far as possible. As a general rule, data from 1990 onwards can be compared on a sequential basis.

Quality strategy

See section on checking and correction methods.