Producer price indices for services

What does the survey comprise?
Quarterly publication of producer price indices for services.
Target population
Services by companies that provide commercal services. The published services are grouped by the Classification of Products by Activity (CPA).
Included in the producer price indices are:
Section I, transport, storage and communication services;
Section K, real estate, renting and business services.
Not included in the producer price indices are:
Section G, wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor verhicles and motorcycles;
Section H, hotels and restaurants;
Section J, financial services.
The producer price indices cover approximately 50 percent of all commercial services.
Statistical unit
Commercial services.
Date/year survey started
The survey started in the fourth quarter of 2002. The index reference year is 2006.
Publication strategy
During the current quarter, the table is updated with figures of the previous quarter. At the end of the current quarter, all figures from the previous quarter will be available.
How is the survey conducted?
Survey type
The survey is a combination of data from registers and data collected by a stratified, random and representative sample of companies. The sample for the composition of this panel of companies is drawn from the General Business Register of Statistics Netherlands.
Survey method
Written survey by a fixed panel of companies. The registration is a result of a digital survey by a fixed panel of companies.
Data is collected by a fixed panel of companies and branch organisations.
Sample size
The panel includes approximately 1500 companies and 7500 services.
Checking and correction methods
Statistics Netherlands verifies the completeness and plausibility of the data. If the data is incomplete or implausible the companies concerned are contacted. In case of non-response, the data wil be imputed. That is, non-response will be mathematically deduced from the remaining data.
For the weighting factors within the panel the turnover data from the companies is used for the weighting factors within the panel. These factors are combined with the turnover data from the production statistics to calculate weights per category. The domestic production value of the National accounts are used calculation of the total producer price index for services.
Quality of the results
Sequential Comparability
The price indices, quarterly and yearly changes are published in 1 decimal. The response is approximately 95%. The set-up of the producer price indices has not been changed since the first publication. The comparability of the figures is good.
Quality strategy
Internal consistency and completeness are checked. Producer price indices for services