Prodcom provides statistics on the production of manufactured goods carried out by enterprises on the national territory of the reporting countries. The term comes from the French "PRODuction COMmunautaire" (Community Production). Prodcom covers Mining and quarrying, Manufacturing and Materials recovery, sections B, C and E of the Statistical Classification of Economy Activity in the European Union (NACE 2). Prodcom statistics aim at providing a full picture at EU level of developments in industrial production for a given product or for an industry in a comparable manner across countries.
Prodcom statistics may be used to answer such questions as:
Which countries are specialised in the production of a given product?
How productive is a particular industry in terms of physical volume and the value of production sold during a year?
Which country has the lowest or the highest value per unit for the production of a certain product?
Is there a shift or a trend in the manufacture of a group of products over the years?
What is measured?
Industrial production statistics are presented annually according to the Prodcom survey, which is based on a statistical classification (the PRODCOM list) containing about 3900 different types of manufactured products. PRODCOM statistics are annual and consist of the following set of indicators:
the physical volume (kg, m2, number of items, etc.) of production sold,
the value of production sold,
the physical volume of actual production, including any production which is incorporated into the manufacture of other products from the same undertaking.
Prodcom headings are coded using an eight-digit numerical code, the first six digits of which are identical to those of the Statistical Classification of Products by Activity (CPA) code. The Prodcom list is therefore also fully consistent with the CPA, while further detailing the CPA product categories. The headings of the Prodcom list are also linked to those from the Combined Nomenclature (CN) used to compile International Trade in Goods statistics, which thus enables direct comparisons between industrial production statistics and trade statistics (see Europroms).
- PDF PDF - PRODCOM List 2023
- PDF Table - Prodcom list of industrial services
- Excel Table - Linking table between customs commodity code (CN) and prodcomcode
- External link METADATA - PRODCOM List 2023 on ShowVoc (Eurostat)