Manufacturing and energy
Filter by year:- Further improvement of Dutch producer confidence
- Companies postpone and cancel investment spending
- Same industrial production, less turnover
- Producers' confidence down slightly
- Hot August: 15 million m3 potable water extra
- Sharp decline for Dutch textile industry
- Again less production and turnover in the Dutch manufacturing industry
- Producers' confidence increases further
- Production and turnover in the Dutch manufacturing industry down again
- Increasing producer confidence
- Manufacturers' sentiment unchanged
- Manufacturing output and turnover down
- Manufactures slightly less pessimistic
- No further recovery of the Dutch manufacturing industry
- Producer confidence deflating further
- Manufacturers fairly optimistic about investment in 2003
- Industrial production increasing slightly
- Most green electricity imported
- Manufacturing turnover hardly up
- Producers' confidence down again
- Manufacturing output down again
- Higher prices push up manufacturing turnover
- Converging electricity prices in manufacturing industry
- Manufacturing industry slightly less negative
- Industrial production slightly lower
- Price rises push up manufacturing turnover
- Manufacturers' selling prices continue to rise
- Producers' confidence remains low
- Energy use remains constant
- More drinking water from surface water
- Manufacturing output falls again
- Oil prices push up manufacturing turnover
- Manufacturers' selling prices continue to rise
- Producer confidence down again
- Prolonged decline manufacturing output
- Manufacturing turnover slightly up in December
- Manufacturers more sombre
- No further fall for manufacturing output
- Manufacturing turnover levelling out
- Manufacturers' prices lower